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中文摘要: 不同土壤水分状况对夏玉米生长发育和产量形成有着明显的影响,并且通过各种生理生态特征表现出来。本文根据1984—1987年试验资料,系统分析了土壤水分对气孔阻力、光合作用、蒸腾强度、灌浆速度等生理特征和产量的影响,建立了土壤湿度与它们之间的数学模式,运用最优分割理论进行最优分割,确定了夏玉米拨节—抽雄期的适宜土壤水分指标为15.5%,干旱指标为10.5%;分别占田间持水量的71.4%和48.4%,抽雄—成熟期的适宜水分指标为16.7%,干旱指标为10.7%,分别占田间持水量的77.0%和49.3%。从而为灌溉管理提供了依据。
Abstract:Based on the experiments during the period 1984-1987, this paper analyzes systematically the influences of soil moisture on stoma resistance, transpiration, photosynthesis, milking rate and yield. Using mathematical method and the theory of optimum segmentation, the optimum soil moisture and the drought indexes can be determined. During the period of jointing to tasseling,they are 15.5% and 10.5 (as percentage of dry weight of soil), which are 71.4% and 48.4 of field capacity respectively. But for the period of tasseling to maturing, they are 16.7% and 10.7%, which are 77% arid 49.3% of field capacity They are useful to reasonable irrigation.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
朱自玺 | 河南省气象局农业气象试验站 |
侯建新 |
Author Name | Affiliation |
,1988.On the indexes of soil moisture for summer maize[J].Meteor Mon,14(9):13-16.
,1988.On the indexes of soil moisture for summer maize[J].Meteor Mon,14(9):13-16.