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中文摘要: 本文从等熵位涡(IPV)的基本性质出发,概述了以可逆性原理为基础的所谓“IPV思想”,包括孤立高空IPV距平和地面位温距平引起的典型气流结构和随时间变化气流的可逆性原理。然后用“IPV思想”解释Rossby波和切变不稳定等大尺度现象的动力学特征。最后给出了IPV图的制作方法、应用形式和范围,以及与等压面图特征的比较。
Abstract:Beginning with the primary principles of isentropic potential vorti-city (IPV), "IPV thought" based on the invertibility principle is introduced in this paper. It includes the typical structure induced both by the isolated upper-air IPV anomalies and surface potential temperature anomalies, and quasi-geostrophic and semi-geostrophic theories on the invertibility principle for time-dependent flow. The "IPV thought" is used to interprete the dynamical characteristics of large scale motions, such as the Rossby waves and shear instabilities and so on. Moreover, the method to work out the IPV maps is given, and the applicable forms and limits of the maps are described. And at the same time the compari-sion between IPV maps and isobaric maps are made.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
,1991.The characteristics of isentropic potential vorticity maps and their application to dynamical analysis and prediction[J].Meteor Mon,17(6):3-11.
,1991.The characteristics of isentropic potential vorticity maps and their application to dynamical analysis and prediction[J].Meteor Mon,17(6):3-11.