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中文摘要: 详细介绍了系统的功能和技术问题。系统是对天气雷达数字化终端的再开发,它由天气雷达联防报自动编制和降水回波图打印两部分组成。系统用8088宏汇编语言编程。使用这个系统显著提高了天气雷达业务工作的自动化程度和精确度。
中文关键词: 雷达,联防报,回波图,系统
Abstract:The system is developed on the basis of weather radar digital extreme. It consists of automatic ceding for weather radar network and precipitation echo map printing. The system is prer gramed with 8088 assembler language. The functions and techniques of the system are presented in detail. The automation degree and precision in weather radar operations have been improved obviously with the system.
keywords: weather radar,coding,printing,system
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
,1994.The system of Auto-Coding for Weather Radar Network and Precipitation Echo Map Printing[J].Meteor Mon,20(10):42-45.
,1994.The system of Auto-Coding for Weather Radar Network and Precipitation Echo Map Printing[J].Meteor Mon,20(10):42-45.