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中文摘要: 1994年,我国南北大部降水比较丰沛,中部地区降水偏少。北方春末夏初旱、秋旱及江淮流域伏旱范围较大,部分地区旱情严重。汛期,我国出现南北两条明显多雨带,桂、粤、湘及辽、吉等省(区)部分地区发生严重洪涝灾害。全国大部地区气温偏高,低温冻害轻,东北初霜明显偏晚,对农业生产十分有利;夏季,大部地区出现罕见持续高温。登陆台风(包括热带风暴,下同)明显偏多,危害重,其中浙江受灾最重。风雹灾害轻。总的来看,1994年气候年景为一般偏差。
中文关键词: 天气气候,特点,气候年景
Abstract:The Features of weather/climate in China in 1994 was analyzed. This year,there was more plentiful precipitation in both South China and North China. While the middle part drier. There were two rain belts in North China and South China, respectively. In general,the climate this year is normal or differ from it to a certain extent.
keywords: weather/climate,year's climate,China
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
,1995.The Features of Weather/Climate in China in 1994[J].Meteor Mon,21(4):22-24.
,1995.The Features of Weather/Climate in China in 1994[J].Meteor Mon,21(4):22-24.