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中文摘要: 1994年7月12日08时-13日08时北京地区特大暴雨的出现是台风低压北上与西来槽共同作用造成的。低层水汽辐合中心与暴雨中心基本一致,低层水汽辐合及上升运动的加强与12小时最大降雨量相对应。在此次台风系统影响过程中,温度平流的拉普拉斯项对上升运动的作用最大,尤其在降雨强度最大的时候,降水释放潜热的作用与涡度平流微差项的作用相当,在对流层中层降水释放潜热的作用尤为突出,地形作用相对很小且随高度递减。
中文关键词: 诊断分析,大暴雨,非线性ω方程,强迫项
Abstract:Nonlinear -equation including four force items and other terms associated with preciPitation arc calculated.The results show that the formation of the heavy rainfall in July July 1994 in Beijing is a joint affect of typhoon and westerly trough.Especially.the centre of heave rainfall is in correspondence with the moisture convergence at the low level,and the maxinum precipitation of 12hours is relevant to the intensification of ascending motion and moisture convergence.The laplace term of temperature advection in the nolinear ω-equation is most contrihutive.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
,1995.The Diagnosis Analysis of "94. 7" Torrential Rain in Beijing[J].Meteor Mon,21(10):27-29.
,1995.The Diagnosis Analysis of "94. 7" Torrential Rain in Beijing[J].Meteor Mon,21(10):27-29.