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中文摘要: 利用每小时数值云图、TBB资料、常规天气图资料和数值产品资料,分析了1994年6月24—26日黄河气旋过程,讨论了环境场条件、不同尺度云团的相互作用对气旋生成的影响,给出了中尺度云团的发展演变以及与强降雨的关系,揭示了气旋降雨的中尺度特征,概括了气旋发生发展的综合模型,对气旋的短期预报有一定的参考价值。
中文关键词: 黄河气旋,中尺度云团,综合模型
Abstract:By using S-VISSR, regular synopic and numerical product data, an Yellow River cyclone process during 24—26 June, 1994, was analysed. The effect of condition of environment field and inter-action among different scale cloud clusters upon cyclone was mainly discussed. The mesoscale cloud cluster development, evolution and mesoscale feature of cyclone precipitation were given. The composite model of cyclone genesis and development was generalized.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,1997.An Analysis of Yellow River Cyclone Process Impacting North China[J].Meteor Mon,23(1):17-22.
,1997.An Analysis of Yellow River Cyclone Process Impacting North China[J].Meteor Mon,23(1):17-22.