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中文摘要: 美国国家气象中心(NMC)自1960年开始实施定量降雨预报(QuantitativePre-cipitationForecasting,简称QPF)及其检验方案直至1993年的33年间,定量降雨预报从广泛依靠预报员经验的人工方法转变到更多依靠对数值模式的解释和修正的方法,这是预报技术的一大进步。同时,预报检验结果表明:预报准确率是稳定提高的,尤其是较长时效的预报提高更明显,其中数值预报模式的改进和发展起着重要作用。该文参考DavidA.Olson[1]、Shuman[2]和Sullivan[3]的论文综合介绍美国NMCQPF的日常业务、QPF检验技术及33年QPF检验分析的结果。
中文关键词: 美国,定量降雨,预报,综述
Abstract:According to the treatises writen by David, Shunman and Sullivan, routine operation, verification procedures and evaluation of 33 years of Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting at the NMC U.S.A were reviewed.
Verification graphs show steady improvements in forecast accuracy,especially for the longerrange forecasts, which in this context are those in the 24 — 60h range. During the 1960s the Threat Score (TS) for day-2 forecasts for 1 inch or more of precipitation was averaged approximately 0. 07. During recent years,that score has nearly doubled,and the 36 —60h period forecast in 1993 had a TS comparable to that for the 12 —36h period during the 1960s.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,1997.Review of Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting at the NMC U. S, A[J].Meteor Mon,23(11):3-6.
,1997.Review of Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting at the NMC U. S, A[J].Meteor Mon,23(11):3-6.