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中文摘要: 西藏高原降水主要集中在5~9月,利用高原34个站点逐日降水资料,依据降水相对系数C,客观地确定雨季的起始和中断标准,重点分析雅鲁藏布江流域河谷农区雨季开始、中断的气候特征,并对高原雨季开始、中断的典型个例进行了环流分析。
中文关键词: 高原雨季,降水相对系数,环流特征
Abstract:The Tibetan plateau rainfall mainly occurs between May and Septemeber,and frequentsummer drought is a major disaster in the plateau agricultural region. The daily rainfall dataat 34 stations in Tibetan plateau was used to define the standard of beginning and interruption rainy season depending on precipitation relative coefficient C. The circulation features ofseveral typical individual cases in wet season using NCEP and ECMWF height fields datawere discussed.
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Author Name | Affiliation |
,1999.The Beginning and interruption of Rainy Season over Tibetan Plateau[J].Meteor Mon,25(12):38-42.
,1999.The Beginning and interruption of Rainy Season over Tibetan Plateau[J].Meteor Mon,25(12):38-42.