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Features of Weather/Climate over China in 1999
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中文摘要: 1999年我国主要天气气候特点可概括为:大部地区冬春连旱,夏季南涝北旱,秋季旱渍并存。全国持续偏暖,但幅度已较1998年有所下降,而且阶段性变化也更趋明显,部分地区遭受了高温或低温霜冻危害。热带风暴生成和登陆我国的个数偏少;沙尘暴异常偏早;风雹偏少,损失轻;雾日较多。
Abstract:The features of weather/climate over China in 1999 were summarized as follows.Rainfall in most parts of north China was below normal in 1999,while the situation in south China was distinctly opposite.As a result of precipitation deficits,a long-running drought continued in most parts of the country during January—April.Then,droughts occurred again in most northern areas to the Yangtz River in summer.By contrast,most southern area to the Yangtz River experienced the excessive rainfall.Droughts in combination with waterlogging were due to the uneven distribution of rainfall in autumn and precipitation was below average again in December. The 1999 climate was still in the warming phase with annual temperature evidently higher than normal but slightly lower than 1998.The temperature also featured episodic changes with the periodic occurrence of heat wave and cold wave in some regions.The number of tropical cyclones both forming in Northwest Pacific and South China Sea and landing on China was below average during 1999.And a very early sand and dust storm hit Northwest China in late January.Moreover,there were totally more than 600 counties(times)in 29 Provinces hit by hail and tornado,with reduced areas,times and economic loss compared to normal.In addition,the thick fog weather was more frequent than usual with large area affected.
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Author NameAffiliation
,2000.Features of Weather/Climate over China in 1999[J].Meteor Mon,26(4):20-24.