(1.内蒙古气象台,呼和浩特 010051;2.内蒙古气象局)
A Numerical Simulation and Contrast Test on A Northeastern Vortex Rainstorm
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中文摘要: 利用MM5非静力模式成功地模拟了1998年8月8~9日一次东北冷涡切变型暴雨过程。发现本次过程中,低涡西北象限的强降水中心的产生是由于高层形成的强辐散,切变降水的产生由于偏南急流与偏东急流的交汇,切变带上升运动层次明显低于低涡。同时,通过对比试验发现,偏南急流是本次过程主要水汽输送带。且对切变降水影响较大。偏南急流区水汽的减弱对系统(低涡、切变)的降水强弱有直接影响;西路冷空气加强主要使大气斜压作用增强导致低涡强度及降水增强;东路冷空气主要通过阻挡偏南气流形成抬升从而主要影响切变强度和降水。阻高则通过对上
Abstract:By using MM5 nonhydrostatic mode,a numerical simulation was made successfully to a northeastern vortex and shear caused rainstorm occurring from August 8th to 9th in 1998.The numerical simulation revealed follow results:the strong divergence formed in upper air lead to the strong precipitation center in the northwestern part of the low vortex,the shear formed by convergence of the southerly jets with the easterly ones also contributed a lot to the precipitation,ascending motion with the shear was apparently lower than one with the low vortex.Meanwhile,the contrast test shows that the southerly jets play the most important role in transporting water vapor to the precipitation area.The weakening or strengthening of water vapor within the southerly jet zone had a direct impact on the precipitation,especially to the shear caused precipitation.The strenthening of westerly cold air made the baroclinic function become stronger,further lead to the enhancement of both the low vortex and the precipitation.While the southerly air current was detained by the easterly cold air,which resulted in the ascending motion and influenced on the shear intensity and its resultant precipitation.The blocking high made an obstruction to its upsteam low-pressure systems and influenced both their position and intensity,thus had further influence on the precipitation.
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Author NameAffiliation
,2001.A Numerical Simulation and Contrast Test on A Northeastern Vortex Rainstorm[J].Meteor Mon,27(1):25-30.