(兰州干旱气象研究所,兰州 730020)
Climatic Variation Characteristics over Qilian Mountain Area during the Last 40 Years
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中文摘要: 利用祁连山附近30个测站1960~2000年的气温和降水资料,采用EOF和REOF等方法,分析了近40年来祁连山附近气温和降水的时空分布特征。结果表明:祁连山附近气温在空间上具有很好的一致性,年平均气温的第一主成分的方差贡献可占总方差的75%左右。夏季气温的一致性较其它季节略差。根据REOF分析,四季及年平均气温可分为河西走廊区、祁连高原区和祁连山东端区。除祁连山东端气温变暖从90年代后期开始外,其它地区与全国大部分地区一样,都是从80年代中期开始,特别是90年代后期增温明显。祁连山附近降水的一致性比气温差,占总方差的30%左右,春季和秋季好于其它季节,占总方差的50%左右。通过REOF分析,可将祁连山附近年降水变化分为河西走廊西部区、祁连山东部区和祁连走廊中部区,每个季节的降水分区有所不同。与西北地区东部不同,祁连山附近大部分地区的年降水80年代和90年代都有不同程度的上升,夏季降水增多趋势最为明显,而秋季降水80年代和90年代一直处于下降阶段。
Abstract:Using the temperature and precipitation data of 30 meteorological stations in the period 1960-2000 over Qilian mountain area, the temporal and spatial variational characteristics of temperature and precipitation are analyzed with EOF and REOF methods. The results show temperature spatial variations have high consistency, the variance ratio contribution of the first principal component is about 75%. The consistency in summer is lower than other seasons. The first three rotated loading vector fields represent the principal characteristic of temperature variations: Hexi corridor, Qilian mountain and plateau, east of Qilian mountain. It is obvious that the temperature is getting warming from the middle of 1980′s over Qilian mountain, same as over the majority region of China, except east of Qilian mountain warming from later of 1990′s. The consistency of precipitation is not better than temperature, the variance ratio contribution of the first is about 30%, and higher than other seasons in the spring and autumn, about 50%. The precipitation spatial characteristic is divided into three parts: west of Hexi corridor, east of Qilian mountain, middle of Qilian mountain and Hexi corridor. The sectors are distinct in different seasons. The annual precipitation increased in 1980′s and 1990′s over the majority region of Qilian mountain,which is different from east of Northwest China, the increasement was obvious in summer. The trend was reserved in autumn.
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Author NameAffiliation
,2002.Climatic Variation Characteristics over Qilian Mountain Area during the Last 40 Years[J].Meteor Mon,28(12):33-39.