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(1.中国气象局气候研究开放实验室,北京 100081;2.武汉城市气象工程技术中心)
On Relationship between SARS Epidemic and Weather Conditions in China
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中文摘要: 根据中国主要发病区北京、河北、香港、台湾及广东等地2003年3~5月间SARS主要发病时段逐日发病数与同期、前期气象条件进行了相关性比较,并揭示了2002年11月~2003年5月间的气候背景,研究表明:SARS的滋生和传播有一定的适宜温度范围(14~28℃) ,过高过低均不利;在此范围内,发病数与气温(平均、最高、最低气温以及气温日较差)、降水量和相对湿度均为负相关,尤其是与最低温度相关性最好;前7天左右的气象条件比当天的气象条件影响更大;各地都经历了较长时间甚至严重干旱。总之,20℃左右的温度与长期少雨
Abstract:The correlation between the daily number of new cases and the meteorological conditions at the same or preceding period when the SARS broke out in the main epidemic areas of China (Beijing, Hebei Province, Hongkong, Taiwan, and Guangdong Province) from the March to May of 2003 is comparatively analyzed. Combined with the analysis of the climatic background from November, 2002 to May, 2003, it is revealed that (1)SARS virus must grow and spread within a certain range of temperature (14—28℃),and the higher or the lower temperature is disadvantageous;(2) within that range, the daily number of new cases mainly has a negative correlation with the temperature (mean temperature, maximum temperature, minimum temperature and daily range), rainfall and relative humidity, and the correlation coefficient of the daily number of new cases with minimum temperature is the biggest; (3)the meteorological conditions for preceding seven-day period have greater impacts on the occurrence of SARS than the present conditions do;(4)all the epidemic areas have undergone a lasting and severe drought. In conclusion,a certain temperature of 20℃ or so and a lasting drought are advantageous to the growth and spread of SARS virus.
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Author NameAffiliation
,2004.On Relationship between SARS Epidemic and Weather Conditions in China[J].Meteor Mon,30(2):42-45.