(中国气象局兰州干旱气象研究所,兰州 730020)
Study on Most Suitable Planting Decision-making for Crop Distribution in Pingliang Region, Gansu Province
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中文摘要: 采用陇东地区及相邻的固原、长武、陇县共18个站1951~2000年的气象资料,计算了各站历年各时段干旱指数,划分了干旱等级,结合全区农作物夏、秋粮、小麦、玉米、高粱、马铃薯、油料种植面积、单产等资料,分析了气候因素与作物产量的关系。选用线性规划和减产率矩阵相结合的方法,建立确定型和随机型种植决策模型,优选出可供实施种植比例的最佳方案。结果表明:不论夏秋作物还是五种作物均在秋春连旱年减产率最大,达30%~40%之间,在无气候干旱年,其减产率最小,为12%~15%。随机型决策接近历年的情况,决策意义不大;确定型决策效果比较显著,其综合减产率普遍少1%~3%,有优化决策价值。虽然确定型优于随机型,但其依赖于长期天气趋势预报的准确程度,应用种植决策还是以随机型与确定型兼用较为稳妥,风险性小。
Abstract:Based on the meteorological data at 18 stations in the east of Gansu Province and Guyuan, Changwu, Longxian from 1951 to 2000, the drought index every period at every station is calculated in every year and drought grade is divided, moreover, with the data of planting area and yield of crops such as summer crops, autumn crops, wheat, corn, jowar, potato, oil plants, the relation between climatic factors and crops yield is analyzed. At the same time, combining line layout with yield reduction rate matrix, planting decision-making model was devided into confirmed model and stochastic model, the most suitable planting project is selected. The result shows that wether summer and autumn crops or above five crops, the reduction rate of may be largest about 30%—40% in the years of autumn-spring drought,at may be least about 12%—15% in the years of no climatic drought. The stochastic decision-making model approached to average status,so decision-making's meaning is not too. But the confirmed decision-making model obtained marked effect that compositive yield reduction rate reduced 1%—3% universal, so decision-making's meaning is very much. In spite of confirmed model has more decision-making's meaning than stochastic modle, the formor must depend on exact prediction of long-range weather trend. In short, while institute project of planting decision-making for crops, taken into account confirmed model and stochastic modle synthetically is reliable,riskless.
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Author NameAffiliation
,2005.Study on Most Suitable Planting Decision-making for Crop Distribution in Pingliang Region, Gansu Province[J].Meteor Mon,31(7):76-79.