(1.上海中心气象台,上海 200030;2.中国科学院上海天文台;3.南京大学大气科学系)
Some Bases of Reasonable Distribution of GPS Stations within an Area GPS/MET Network
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中文摘要: 区域GPS气象网反演的可降水量资料(GPS/PWV)对提高灾害性天气的监测和预报能力,改进数值天气预报精度已显示出广阔的应用前景,我国许多省市相继计划建设区域的GPS气象网。在区域GPS气象网中如何科学合理地布设GPS站就成了大家关注的问题。结合长江三角洲地区GPS气象网的情况,从长江三角洲地区的水汽通道,PWV分布的气候统计、GPS反演PWV资料的有效半径和在数值天气预报中资料同化的最大影响半径等4个方面,讨论了区域GPS网站点的分布和间距的几点依据:重点沿区域的水汽通道和强对流天气主要路径上布站,经向
Abstract:The precipitable water vapor estimated by an area GPS/MET network (GPS/PWV) has brought out the wide application prospects for improvement of detecting and forecasting severe weather and for numerical weather prediction. Some provinces and regions in China are going to build area GPS/MET networks. How to set up reasonably GPS stations within an area becomes a regardful issue. With the instance of the GPS/MET network in Yangtze River Delta area built in 2002, it is analyzed from four aspects, i.e., the moisture transmission passages, the PWV climatic statistic features, the effective radius of retrieving GPS/PWV and the influencing radius of GPS/PWV data assimilation at a station in NMP model of MM5 . Finally, some bases of reasonable distribution of GPS stations within an area GPS/MET network are discussed : more GPS stations should be located along the way of moisture transmission and the severe storm moving, the meridional density of GPS stations should be more than the zonal density; the maximum distance between the two adjacent stations is suggested to be less than 60 km, so that the effective representatives of the PWV data and its influence on the NWP may cover the whole area.
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Author NameAffiliation
,2006.Some Bases of Reasonable Distribution of GPS Stations within an Area GPS/MET Network[J].Meteor Mon,32(2):34-39.