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China Meteorologically-driven Ecological Monitoring and Assessment in the First Half of 2006
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投稿时间:2006-09-05    修订日期:2006-09-10
中文摘要: 为了对2006年上半年全国生态环境进行以气象条件为主要驱动因子的监测与评估,研究创建了基于植被第一性生产力(NPP)估算的生态气象监测与评估指数(EMI)模型。通过计算生态气象指数、划分生态气象等级,进行生态气象监测与评估。2006年上半年全国大部地区生态气象条件较差,平均生态气象优劣评价指数仅为—30;生态气象等级好、中、差的比例大约为2:45:53。对我国生态及生产起重要作用的林地、草灌、农田的生态气象等级在中等以上的面积较2005年上半年显著减少。1—6月平均生态气象指数在逐月降低,虽处于正常等级范
Abstract:For the meteorologically-driven ecological assessment of China in the first half of 2006,based on the estimate of net primary productivity (NPP),the meteorologically-driven ecological assessment index (EMI) model is developed.Monitoring and assessment show that the ecological and meteorological conditions are worse in the most part of China,and the meteorologically梔riven ecological assessment index of China is only?0.The better, moderate,worse proportions of ecological and meteorological condition grade give a ratio of 2 :45:53.The woodland,grass-shrub-land and farmland area,which are very important for environment and production,have its ecological and meteorological condition grade being better or moderate,and but their area decreases obviously compared with that in the first half of 2005.From January to June,the meteorologically-driven ecological assessment index is receded month by month,it is order but approaches to critical state and even to worse grade almost in May and June.The main causation is the effect of drought and low temperature in a long period of time.The more forest and grass fires and the frequent sandstorm happening in large area are the environment causes and effects.There are some physical and ecological significances in the meteorologically-driven ecological assessment index model. The model is applied and has better space-time resolution.The model was applied to ecologi-cal monitoring and assessment in the first half of 2006,its result was objective and reliable.
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Author NameAffiliation
,2006.China Meteorologically-driven Ecological Monitoring and Assessment in the First Half of 2006[J].Meteor Mon,32(12):88-95.