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投稿时间:2006-04-11 修订日期:2006-10-23
投稿时间:2006-04-11 修订日期:2006-10-23
中文摘要: 对2006年2月13—14日延吉市CO中毒事件的成因及气象条件的影响进行了分析和探讨,天气和数值模拟分析结果表明:在这次CO中毒事件中,持续弱风和大幅度升温是主要的气象影响因素,同时,逆温、弱气压场、云量多等气象条件对低空风速和湍流的持续抑制作用,延长了不利气象因素的影响时间,对中毒事件的发生也具有不可忽视的作用。延吉市CO中毒事件绝大多数死亡者和患者都住自建出租房,这种房屋空间狭小、保温和通风性能差,尤其是弱风条件下大幅度升温对其室内通风和供氧条件的不利影响,是导致该事件发生的根本原因。
中文关键词: 一氧化碳(CO),中毒,成因,气象条件
Abstract:The cause for the carbon monoxide poisoning and the meteorological influence in Yanji during February 13?4,2006 are analyzed.The results indicate that,both the dura-tive breeze and the obvious rising of temperature are the main meteorological factors for the CO poisoning.In the meantime,weather conditions,such as temperature inversion,weak pressure field,cloudiness etc. ,constrain the surface wind and turbulence for longtime.The time of unfavorable weather factor influence is extended.Most of the people who died in the accident and most sufferers live in narrow and small building,heat preservation and poor ventilation.When influenced by same meteorological conditions,poor ventilation and oxygen supply in these houses worse than normal cause CO to increase prominently in the combus-tion process and unable to discharge normally.This is the basic cause for the accident.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
,2006.Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and Meteorological Influence in Yanji, Jilin Province[J].Meteor Mon,32(12):107-112.
,2006.Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and Meteorological Influence in Yanji, Jilin Province[J].Meteor Mon,32(12):107-112.