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NCEP-FNL与T213L31同化资料对比 分析中的地形差异影响
(1.南京大学大气科学系,南京 210093;2.辽宁省气象台;3.国家气象中心)
Comparison between NCEP-FNL Reanalysis Data and T213L31 Assimilation Data
(1.Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093;2. Liaoning Meteorological Observatory;3.National Meteorological Center;4.Liaoning Meteorological Observatory)
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投稿时间:2005-11-22    修订日期:2006-11-27
中文摘要: 分析了2005年5月11日至6月10日的NCEP FNL与T213L31分析资料在位势高度、温度和 风场上的整体差异,揭示了低层差异最小,差异极值主要分布在3个关键区的特征。进一步 通过地形高度差异与位势高度差异的相关性分析,认为青藏高原附近的地形高度差异的极值 是引起两种资料位势高度差异的主要原因,并计算分析了这种差异对高原周围中低层大气环 流的动力和热力影响。结果显示,在NCEP FNL中的西南涡强度和热源作用较强,中层风速 切变较弱。
中文关键词: NCEP-FNL  T213L31  差异  地形  青藏高原
Abstract:The general differences of the geopotential height, temperature and w ind fields between the NCEP FNL and the T213L31 analysis datasets from May 11 t o June 10,2005 are analyzed. The results indicate that the biases at lower laye r of atmosphere are minimum and the maxima often appear in 3 key regions. By usi ng a correlation analysis of biases of terrain height and geopotential height, t he bias of terrain height over the Qinghai Tibetan Plateau is regarded as the m ajor force to form the bias of geopotential height between two datasets. Besides , the impacts of the biases on atmospheric circulation at middle and lower layer s are compared and illustrated. The results indicate that the Southwest Vortex a nd the heat source of the plateau in former dataset are stronger than that of th e latter and the shear of wind speed is weak.
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李长青,闫之辉,王瀛,郜凌云,2007.NCEP-FNL与T213L31同化资料对比 分析中的地形差异影响[J].气象,33(1):62-69.
Li Changqing,Yan Zhihui,Wang Ying,Gao Lingyun,2007.Comparison between NCEP-FNL Reanalysis Data and T213L31 Assimilation Data[J].Meteor Mon,33(1):62-69.