(1.山东省气象科学研究所,济南 250031;2.山东省气象局;3.山东省气象台;4.山东省临沂市气象局)
Analysis of a Squall Line Event on 28 April 2006 in Shandong Province
(1.Shandong Meteorological Institute, Jinan 250031;2.Shandong Meteorological Bureau;3.Shandong Meteorological Observatory;4.Linyi Meteorological Office, Shandong Province)
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投稿时间:2006-09-26    修订日期:2006-12-05
中文摘要: 对2006年4月28日山东省一次飑线天气过程进行诊断分析,应用湿位涡守恒理论研 究了飑线的发展机制。结果表明:飑线是由500hPa西风槽影响产生的,为低层增温增湿,高 层冷空气南下,低能舌叠加在高能舌之上,导致大气对流性不稳定。850hPa切变线和地面低 压槽中的辐合上升运动触发对流不稳定能量释放,产生中尺度对流云团,在热力不稳定和风垂直切 变的环境条件下对流云团东移发展,形成飑线。低层大气湿斜压性增强,破坏了地转平衡, 倾斜涡度发展,上升运动增强,对流发展;高空高位势涡度下传使得中低层位势涡度增大,导致其垂 直涡度增大,有利于对流层低层中尺度涡旋发展,对流增强。较强的上升运动与风垂直切变 相互作用,促使对流系统发展形成飑线,产生雷雨大风。
Abstract:A squall line event on 28 April 2006 in Shandong Province was diagnos ed. The developing mechanism of the squall line was studied with the moist poten tial vorticity conservation theory. The results show that the squall line was ca used by 500hPa trough. The low level temperature and humidity increasing, the c old air behind upper trough moving toward east and south and the low energy tongu e located above high energy tongue caused atmospheric convective instability. The air convergence and rising motion produced by shear line at 850hPa and the l ow pressure trough on the ground triggered convective instable energy release so a s to produce convective cloud cell which moved east and developed under the environment conditions of atmospheric thermal instability and strong vertical wind shear, thus forming a squall line. The low level atmospheric moist baroclinity increasing destroye d geostrophic wind balance and resulted in slant vorticity developing, rising mo tion increased and convection came into being. High level high potential vortic ity transporting downwards caused the low level potential vorticity to increase , and to bring about vertical vorticity to increase. All the above factors are p ropitious to low level mesoscale vorticity to develop so that convection increa sed. The interaction between strong rising movement and strong vertical wind she ar accelerated convection to develop and form squall line, and cause thunderstor ms and gales.
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基金项目:山东省气象局科研项目“引发山洪和地质灾害的气象预报预警方法研究”、“山 东中尺度对流系统的时空分布特征”和“雷电灾害短时和临近预报预警术研究”资助
Yang Xiaoxia,Li Chunhu,Yang Chengfang,Tai Qingguo,ChenYoukuan,Zhou Xuesong,2007.Analysis of a Squall Line Event on 28 April 2006 in Shandong Province[J].Meteor Mon,33(1):74-80.