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(中国气象科学研究院,北京 100081)
Polar Meteorology and Global Change
(Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2007-01-29    修订日期:2007-02-04
中文摘要: 目前,全球变化加快,极地地区变化尤为突出,这对区域或全球的社会、经济和生态 系统都将产生显著的影响。最明显的证据是极区的冰川和冰雪范围持续减少,永久冻土在消 融和消失,北冰洋海冰范围和厚度减小。极地环境的变化跟地球其它区域的变化息息相关 ,如臭氧洞的形成与来自低纬度的污染物积聚有关。极地地区的科学研究非常重要,不断地 给我们提出新的科学挑战。极地冰盖下和大面积海冰下存在着大量的未知领域,许多极地研 究的前沿问题实际上存在于传统学科的交叉领域。因此,世界气象组织(WMO)和国际 科联 (ICSU)共同发起并于2007年3月1日启动实施2007—2008年国际极地年(IPY),旨在为极 地气象学、海洋学、冰川和水文学等领域的科学研究和观测做出贡献,有助于发展更精确的 海 冰 大气环流模式,进一步提高对天气预报和气候变化的预测和预估水平。
中文关键词: 极地气象  全球变化  国际极地年
Abstract:The polar regions are presently changing faster than any other regions of the Ea rth, with both regional and global implications for societies, economics and eco systems. This is particularly evident in globally shrinking snow and ice, inclu ding reductions in the extent of glaciers and ice sheets, reductions in area, di minishing and warming permafrost and reductions in the extent and thickness of A rctic sea ice. Changing polar environments are closely linked to environmental change elsewhere on our planet,examples of the formation of the ozone hole by t he processes of the accumulation of pollutants from lower latitudes. Within the polar regions lie important scientific challenges yet to be investigated as wel l as unique vantage points for science. The regions beneath the polar ice sheets and under the ice covered oceans remain largely unknown. Many of the new scient ific frontiers in the polar regions are at the intersection of traditional scien tific disciplines. Therefore, International Polar Year(IPY) in 2007-2008 will s t art from 1 March 2007 cosponsored by the International Council of Scientific Un ions (ICSU) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) for making a great c ontribution to the study of polar meteorology, oceanography, glaciology, hy drology.
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基金项目:科技部国际合作重点(2005DFA20930)和国家自然科学基金(40575033)项目的 资助
Bian Lingen,Chen Bailian,Xin Yufei,2007.Polar Meteorology and Global Change[J].Meteor Mon,33(3):3-9.