(1.武汉中心气象台, 430074;2.国家气象中心)
A Case Study on the Effects of Cold Air from the Southern Hemisphere on the Continuous Heavy Rains in South China
(1.Wuhan Central Meteorological Observatory, 430074;2.National Meteorologica l Center)
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投稿时间:2006-09-29    修订日期:2007-01-22
中文摘要: 2005年6月17—24日,华南地区发生了连续多日的暴雨天气过程,给该地区带来了严 重的洪涝灾害,在此期间南半球有较强的冷空气活动。为了弄清南半球冷空气对这次连续多 日暴雨过程的影响及其物理途径,利用NCEP每6小时1°×1°经纬度的再分析资料、逐小时 的TBB以及华南地区地面降水等资料,以这次连续性暴雨天气过程为例,初步分析了南半球 冷空气爆发在华南地区暴雨形成中的作用。结果发现:在500hPa西风带低压槽的诱导下,马 斯克林高压向东移动并登陆澳大利亚,促使南半球冷空气爆发,加大了40~60°E、60~70 °E和85~95°E等通道的越赤道气流,它们转向后汇向华南地区,增强了华南南部和南海北 部地区的低空急流和暴雨区的水汽输送,这是华南地区连续多日暴雨的主要原因之一。
Abstract:A lasting several day heavy rain, which leads to severe floods and dis asters, occurred from June 17 to 24, 2005, when there exists strong cold air act ivity in the Southern Hemisphere. In order to investigate the effects of cold ai r from the Southern Hemisphere on the continuous heavy rain and its related phys ical way, taking the continuous heavy rain process as an example, the role of th e cold air in the formation of heavy rain is preliminarily analyzed with NCEP 6 hourly reanalysis data, hourly TBB and rainfall data in South China. The results are as follows: The Mascarene high moves eastward and lands in Australia under the steering of 500hPa westerly trough, which leads to the outbreak of cold air in the Southern Hemisphere and strengthens the cross equatorial flows at the longitudes of 40~60°E, 60~70°E and 85~95°E. Then the cross equatorial flows move toward South China, enhance the low l evel jet in the southern part of South China and the north of South China Sea an d increase the moisture transportation in heavy rain area. It is one of the main reasons in the formation of lasting several day heavy rains.
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Zhao Yuchun,Li Zechun,Xiao Ziniu,2007.A Case Study on the Effects of Cold Air from the Southern Hemisphere on the Continuous Heavy Rains in South China[J].Meteor Mon,33(3):40-47.