(1.南京信息工程大学, 南京 210044;2.安徽省气象台)
Application of GRAPES Model to Area rainfall Forecast in the Huaihe River Basin
(1.Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University of Information Scienc e and Technology, Nanjing 210044;2.Anhui Meteorological Observatory)
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投稿时间:2006-07-17    修订日期:2007-01-25
中文摘要: 利用我国新一代数值预报模式GRAPES输出的降水预报,制作了2005年7—9月淮河流域的面雨 量预报,并对其与预报员制作的面雨量预报和面雨量实况进行了对比分析。期间7月4 —11日、7月27日—8月4日淮河流域分别出现了两段集中强降水时间,给各地造成了严重的 洪涝损失,因此针对这两次强降水过程着重进行了分析和讨论,同时进一步利用安徽省高密 度自动雨量站资料对流域面雨量的估测和预报进行了初步研究。结果表明:用GRAPES模式产 品直接制作的淮河流域面雨量预报产品在实际工作中具有较高的参考价值;高密度雨量站资 料的使用有利于提高面雨量实况估测的精度,更客观地检验面雨量预报产品。
Abstract:The Huaihe River Basin area rainfall forecast, produced by using the output pre cipitation forecast of the new generation NWP model—GRAPES, is introduced. The t estification with the observation and forecast of forecaster is also made. The co mparison analysis between the two methods and discussions is focused on two per iods when the heavy rainfall led to severe floods in the Huaihe River Basin. One of the periods is from 4 to 11 July 2005, the other from 27 July to 4 August, 2 005. Furthermore, the research on the verification with the observation from rai n gauges is also described. The results show that the GRAPES output precipitatio n forecast is suitable and efficient for making the basin area rainfall for ecast. And by using the high resolution rain gauges data, it is propitious to improve the precision of assessing the basin area rainfall.
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基金项目:基金项目:安徽省气象局科技带头人项目资金(编号0504)、安徽省气象局面上项目资金(编 号0601)资助。
Zhu Hongfang,Wang Dongyong,Zhu Pengfei,Zhou Kun,2007.Application of GRAPES Model to Area rainfall Forecast in the Huaihe River Basin[J].Meteor Mon,33(3):76-82.