Impact of Low Temperature and Drought on Corn Photochemical Conversion Effect and Photosynthesis Process in Heading Stage
(Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Bejing 100085)
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投稿时间:2007-01-08    修订日期:2007-02-28
中文摘要: 在人工模拟低温、干旱条件下,测定了抽雄期玉米叶片荧光参数(Fo、Fm、Fv/Fm)及光合 作用速率。其结果表明:低温、干旱均使光化效率(Fv/Fm)、光合作用速率 下降,光化效率与温度的关系:Y=0.002X2-0.0055X+0.8032(式中Y为光化效率,X为温度)。低温使光合 作用速率下降,温度由25℃降到15℃,光合速率可下降27.8%。土壤湿度由处理5降到处理1 ,在不同温度下光化效率可降低1%~8%;光合作用速率最大减幅达80%左右。低温、干旱并 发对光化效率和光合作用速率的负效应加大,光化
中文关键词: 光化效率  光合速率  低温  干旱
Abstract:Under the case of the artificial low temperature and drought, the lea f fluorescence parameters (Fo, Fm, Fv/Fm) and Photosynth esis rate are determined . The results show that the low temperature or drought decreased photochemical c onversion effect, their relationship can be expressed as follow:Y=0.002X2-0.0055X+0.8032 There: Y is photochemical conversion effect; X is tempera ture. The low temperatu r e decreased photosynthesis rate. The photosynthesis rate decreased by 27.8% when temperature decreased from 25℃ to 15℃.When the soil moisture decreased from t he treatment 5 to the treatment 1, during different temperature Photochemical conversion effect decreased by 1%~8%, and Photosynthesis rate decreased by abou t 80%. The negative effect of the low temperature combining with drought on phot ochemical conversion effect and photosynthesis rate was far greater. The decreas ing scale of photochemical conversion effect reaches 2.5 times, and the photosy nthesis rate was increased by about 15%. The photochemical conversion effect and photosynthesis rate was remarkable positive relation.
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基金项目:国家“十五”攻关项目(2004 BA 509 B16)
Gao Suhua,Liu Ling,2007.Impact of Low Temperature and Drought on Corn Photochemical Conversion Effect and Photosynthesis Process in Heading Stage[J].Meteor Mon,33(4):88-91.