(国家气象中心,北京 100081)
Diagnostic Analysis of a Rapid Developing Cyclone in Mongolia Causing Severe Sandstorm
(National Meteorological Center,CMA, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2007-01-15    修订日期:2007-03-25
中文摘要: 利用NCEP分析资料和常规气象观测资料对造成2006年3月9—10日华北大范围强沙尘天 气,产生大风的蒙古气旋快速发展过程进行了分析。结果表明:气旋发展前期,高层反气旋 性流场对波能量发展有正的贡献,有利于气旋的爆发性发展。在气旋发展过程中,温度平流 和涡度平流均为气旋发展的主要因子,但涡度平流在气旋发展初期相对温度平流较弱。斜压 作用出现在低层,并随着气旋后部的锋消作用以及前部的锋生而显著增强,这对于有效位能 的释放、动能的产生以及气旋的发展有重要作用,同时,斜压强迫能够诱发出强烈的非地转 风。此外,位涡分析表明,气旋的发展与冷空气活动的关系比较密切,并且存在明显的高低 空系统之间的相互作用,而水汽和潜热释放产生的作用不明显。同时揭示出该气旋发生 发展机制不但与挪威学派的温带气旋模型有较大差别,而且与Petterssen总结的A、B类气旋、引起我国夏半年降水的江淮气旋和西南涡等低压系统亦不相同。
中文关键词: 沙尘暴  蒙古气旋  大风天气  斜压作用
Abstract:Based on the NCEP NCAR data and the observational data on March 9 10, 2006, a diagnostic analysis is conducted for the development of Mongolia cyclone inducing the severe dust storm. The results show that high level anticyclonic flows contribute to development of the wave energy, and make the explosive cyclon e. Although vorticity advection and thermal advection are important to the cyclo ne development, vorticity advection is weaker than thermal advection at the firs t stage of cyclone development. The baroclinicity in the lower troposphere stren gthens significantly with frontolysis at the rear part of the cyclone and the fr ontogenesis of foreside the cyclone, which is helpful for release of available p otential energy, production of kinetic energy and the development of the cyclone . In addition, the potential vorticity analysis indicates that the cyclone devel opment is related to the activities of cold air, and there exist distinct intera ctions between systems of the upper and lower troposphere, but the role of water vapour and release of potential heat is not obvious. The mechanism of developme nt of cyclone is quite different from that of other cyclones associated with the summer precipitation in China.
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基金项目:科技部社会公益研究专项“北京主要尘源性大气污染研究”(2004DIB1 J031)和中国气象局气象新技术推广项目“亚洲沿海海区爆发性气旋的结构和发生发展成因 分析”(NMC P2004 003)共同资助
Zhang Zhigang,Zhao Linna,Jiao Meiyan,Zhou Ningfang,Kong Qi,2007.Diagnostic Analysis of a Rapid Developing Cyclone in Mongolia Causing Severe Sandstorm[J].Meteor Mon,33(5):27-35.