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(1.南京信息工程大学, 210044;2.中国气象科学研究院)
Advances in Study of Snow cover from Remote Sensing Data
(1.Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, 210044;2.Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences)
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投稿时间:2007-02-12    修订日期:2007-03-26
中文摘要: 综合分析了积雪信息反演的主要遥感信息源和提取方法。在光学遥感方面,应 用较广的主要是改进型甚高分辨率扫描辐射仪(AVHRR)资料和中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS )资 料;提取积雪信息大多是根据积雪在可见光波段的高反射率和近红外波段的低反射率,并通 过建立回归模型反演积雪面积和深度。由于传感器的改进,MODIS卫星资料在空间分辨 率、 积雪反演算法等方面明显优于AVHRR资料。光学仪器受云层和大气的影响很大,由于云和积 雪在可见光和近红外波段上都具有高反射率。并且由于云层的遮挡,云下的地表信息不能被 光学遥感仪器所接收到。微波遥感方面,被动微波遥感仪如微波辐射计成像仪(SSM/I )、 高级微波扫描辐射计(AMSR E)等可以全天候穿过云层进行监测,具有光学仪器所没有的 优 势,并通过提取地表的亮温差,建立雪深反演模型得到积雪深度。被动微波传感器存在分辨 率低,无法监测浅雪区信息等问题。另外影响地表微波亮温的因素很多,这些都在一定程度 上影响了反演结果的精确度。主动微波遥感仪如合成孔径雷达、微波散射计等利用积雪与其 它地物的后向散射系数的不同来识别积雪,但也同样存在分辨率低等问题。最后探讨了卫星 反演积雪信息中仍然存在的问题和进一步发展的方向。
中文关键词: 积雪  遥感信息  AVHRR  MODIS  微波遥感
Abstract:The main sources of remote sensing data and data processing methods of snow information retrieval are introduced. For the optical remote sensing, the AVHRR and MODIS data were widely used to distinguish the snow cover from other l and cover types mostly according to the high reflectance of snow in the visible band and low in the near infrared band; and the snow cover area and depth also c an be obtained by regression equations. With advanced sensors, the data from MOD IS is obviously superior to that from AVHRR in algorithms and resolution to deri ve the snow information. For the microwave remote sensing: passive microwave rem ote sensing has all weather and day night data acquisition capability, the ear th surface information can be obtained in whole day. So it is more useful to detec t the snow depth than optical remote sensing. The snow cover was detected throug h retrieving the brightness temperature of snow. Active microwave remote sensing can estimate snow cover by different backscattering coefficient. Finally, the m ain problem and development trends of snow information retrieval technique by us ing satellite remote sensing data are discussed.
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基金项目:科技部社会公益项目(2003DIB4J144),中国气象局沙漠气象基金“利 用多元遥感信息对北疆积雪监测方法的研究”,中国气象局成都高原气象基金资助。
Wu Yang,Zhang Jiahua,Xu Haiming,He Jinhai,2007.Advances in Study of Snow cover from Remote Sensing Data[J].Meteor Mon,33(6):3-10.