Applications of Precipitable Water Vapor Monitored by Ground Based GPS to Analyzing Heavy Rain Event
(Beijing Institute of Urban Meteorology,CMA,100089)
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投稿时间:2006-08-08    修订日期:2007-04-02
中文摘要: 利用北京市气象局地基GPS监测试验网遥感大气可降水量(PWV)数据,分析2004年汛期暴 雨天气过程PWV的变化特征及其与降雨量、降雨强度的关系;通过分析地面、高空的位势高 度场、风场,以及比湿q、水汽通量Q及水汽通量散度AQ等物理量诊断场分布,研 究天气系统与大尺度水汽输送、辐合的关系,大尺度水汽输送、辐合与PWV变化的关系;探讨GPS遥感大 气水汽资料在预报强降雨天气过程中的应用。得出:PWV的增长方式受当地天气系统的支配 和制约,对于明显降雨过程,当地面、高空天气系统有利于暖湿空气的输送时,在北京附近形成 等湿度线密集区,PWV逐渐增长(降雨开始前的13~24h)的趋势;当地面、高空有辐合 系统东移或生成,或有中小尺度天气系统影响时,PWV显著增长(降雨开始前的3~4h);当 PWV大于某阈值后出现较强降雨,PWV值及增量的大小与降雨量的大小没有明显的关 系。
中文关键词: 大气可降水量  降雨量  水汽输送
Abstract:Based on the Monitored data of the GPS network in Beijing, the relationship betw een the variation characteristics of precipitable water vapor (PWV)in the rainstorm event during 2004 flood season and its rainfall and intensity was analyzed . The results show that the increase of PWV was often restricted by the local weather system, when weather s ystem in ground and upper air picture make for the transportation of warm and moisture a ir, isohume denseness section was formed nearby Beijing, the PWV was increas ing during 13 14 hours before rainstorm appearance; when there was convergence system moving eastward or mesoscale weather system forming, PWV increased s ignificantly during 3 4 hours before rainstorm, heavy rain appeared after value of PWV above threshold, but the value of PWV and increment did not corr espond to the rainfall.
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基金项目:国家科技部政府间中美合作项目"全球定位系统单双频地基GPS水汽遥测技术研究"(H020620 250330),中国气象局课题“京津冀地区水汽观测资料应用研究”共同资助。 注:文中所标注的时间均为世界时(UTC)。
Li Qingchun,Zhang Chaolin,Chu Yanli,Zhang Jingjiang,2007.Applications of Precipitable Water Vapor Monitored by Ground Based GPS to Analyzing Heavy Rain Event[J].Meteor Mon,33(6):51-58.