(1.内蒙古自治区气象台, 呼和浩特 010051;2.内蒙古自治区气象局;3.民航呼和浩特空管中心)
Analysis of the Moisture Transportation Characteristics on Summer Drought in Inner Mongolia
(1.Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Meteorological Observatory, Huhhot 010051;2.Inner Mongolia Meteorological Bureau;3.Civil Aviation Huhhot Air Management Center)
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投稿时间:2006-10-30    修订日期:2007-03-20
中文摘要: 对于大气中水汽的定性、定量测量是提高内蒙古干旱研究与预测的有效手段。 利用NCEP再分析资料和内蒙古地区实测降水资料(1961—2000年),定性、定量地分析东亚 水汽分布、水汽输送与内蒙古夏季干旱的关系。得出内蒙古地区上空低层大气的含水量偏 少是内蒙古夏季干旱的一个重要因素。由于青藏高原大地形作用,孟加拉湾和南海的水汽北 上受阻,不能达到内蒙古高原是形成内蒙古干旱的又一原因。受大气环流影响,内蒙古高原 水汽辐合偏弱是内蒙古夏季干旱的重要原因。青藏高原的水汽通量与内蒙古东西部降水都存 在明显负相关;孟加拉湾至内蒙古西部是内蒙古西部地区降水的水汽通道,南海至中国东北 地区为内蒙古东部降水的水汽通道。
中文关键词: 干旱  水汽  降水  水汽通量  相关
Abstract:Qualitative and quantitative measurement for atmospheric moisture is a n effective means of improving the Inner Mongolia drought study or forecast. Ado pting NCEP and observation precipitation data from 1961-2000, the relationship b etween the moisture distribution or transportation in East Asia and summer droug ht in Inner Mongolia is analyzed. The results show that Less moisture content at low level is an important factor of Inner Mongolia drought. On the other han d, because of Qingzang plateau terrain, it is difficult that the moisture from t he Bay of Bengal and South China Sea move northward, and it could not arrive in Inner Mongolia, which is another key factor. In addition, Affected by air circul ation, the less water vapor convergence is also an important factor of Inner Mon golia drought. The moisture flux at Qingzang plateau has prominently negative co rrelation with the precipitation of whole Inner Mongolia area. Moisture passage for the precipitation of West Inner Mongolia is from the Bay of Bengal to West I nner Mongolia. The passage for the precipitation of east Inner Mongolia is from South China Sea to northeast China.
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Song Guiying,Pan Jinjun,Wang Deming,Han Jingwei,Xun Xueyi,2007.Analysis of the Moisture Transportation Characteristics on Summer Drought in Inner Mongolia[J].Meteor Mon,33(6):75-81.