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(中国气象局中国遥感卫星辐射测量和定标重点开放实验室, 国家卫星气象中心,北京 100081)
The Progress in Trace Gas Remote Sensing Study Based on the Satellite Monitoring
(Key Laboratory for Radiometric Calibration and Validation for Environmental Sat ellites, China Meteorological Administration (LRCVES/CMA), National Satellite Meteorological Center, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2007-03-16    修订日期:2007-05-30
中文摘要: 大气污染是全球环境变化的焦点,传统的地面定点监测大气污染技术已经越来越不能满足科 学研究和国家决策的需求,大尺度卫星遥感大气污染技术作为一种新兴的研究手段,可以得 到大尺度、长时间序列的污染物时空分布特征和变化趋势,进而研究大气化学变化对全球气 候和生物地球化学循环的影响。对卫星遥感大气痕量气体科学领域的发展和国际上使用 的各类大气痕量气体传感器以及所取得的科研成果进行了全面的综述,结合中国地区的自身 特点,提出我国利用卫星遥感技术研究大气成分的思路和未来开展科研工作的方向。
Abstract:Atmospheric pollution has been the focus for the global environment ch ange. The traditional ground based monitoring of the atmospheric pollution can not satisfy the demand of science research and decision making of government. Th e technology for trace gas remote sensing based on the satellite monitoring has p layed an important role in pollution monitoring, which can get the temporal and spatial variation of pollution in long time series and the trend of the [JP2]tr acegas change.So the study of global biogeochemical cycle and climate chang e can be done with these technologies and data. The instrument for trace gas monitoring on satellite and the data processing were reviewed. The p rospects for trace gas remote sensing by our own satellite instruments and the t race gas research projects are also outlined.
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基金项目:863计划ENVISAT大气痕量气体遥感及在空气质量监测中的应用和科技部- 欧洲空间局“龙计划”—ENVISAT对地观测数据综合应用研究(2005AA132031XZ07),国家重点基础研究计划97 3项目“中国酸雨沉降机制、输送态势及调控原理(2005CB422202)”和“中国大气气溶胶 及其气候效应的研究(2006CB403702)”共同资助。
Zhang Xingying,Zhang Peng,Fang Zongyi,Qiu Hong,Li Xiaojing,Zhang Yan,2007.The Progress in Trace Gas Remote Sensing Study Based on the Satellite Monitoring[J].Meteor Mon,33(7):3-14.