(1.中国气象科学研究院,北京 100081;2.国家气象中心)
A Numerical Simulation Study on Microphysical Structure and Cloud Seeding in Cloud System of Qilian Mountain Region
(1.Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081;2.National Meteorological Center)
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投稿时间:2006-12-26    修订日期:2007-03-24
中文摘要: 改进了胡志晋、刘奇俊的云物理方案,并实现了与GRAPES模式的耦合;利用包括了新云物理 方案的GRAPES模式对祁连山地区一次山区云降水过程进行了数值模拟,研究了祁连山地区云 系的微物理结构,并开展了人工催化的数值试验研究。结果表明:(1)耦合的双参数方案 能够较好的模拟此次降水范围、强度及云场分布的特点和规律;(2)新方案给出了祁连山 云系的合理微观结构和它的特征;(3)播撒冰晶可以增加降雨,在云初始阶段播撒增雨范 围较广,在云发展阶段播撒增雨范围较集中;(4)播撒冰晶后,云的动力结构发生了改变 。
Abstract:Based on the Hu Zhijin and Liu Qijun's cloud physics scheme, a new tow moment m icrophysical scheme is developed and incorporated in the GRAPES model.Using the mode which contains the new cloud physics scheme, a mountainous area cloud and precipitation process in the Qilian Mountain region is simulated. The microstruc ture of mountainous area cloud is studied and a numerical simulation on cloud se eding is conducted. The main analysis results are as follows: (1) The GRAPES mod el with two moment scheme is able to reveal the distribution of precipitation, intensity and cloud field; (2) The new scheme can give reasonable microstructure of cloud system in the Qilian Mountain region and indicate its so me characteristics; (3) The artificial ice crystals seeding can lead to the increasing of precipitation, and the distribut ion of rain enhancement in the initial stage of cloud is wider than that in the development stage of cloud; (4) Dynamical structure of the cloud has some change s after seeding.
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基金项目:国家气象中心科研开发课题“基于GRAPES的人工增雨云系模式研发和试 验”和“西北地形云结构及降水机理研究(40533015)”的资助。
Chen Xiaomin,Liu Qijun,Zhang Jiancheng,2007.A Numerical Simulation Study on Microphysical Structure and Cloud Seeding in Cloud System of Qilian Mountain Region[J].Meteor Mon,33(7):33-43.