(1.河南省濮阳市气象局, 457000;2.河南省濮阳市植保站)
Development and Application of Multi effectiveness Normalized Prediction Model for Bollworm in Northern Henan Province
(1.Puyang Meteorological Office, Henan Province 457000;2.Puyang Plant Protection Station)
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投稿时间:2007-02-26    修订日期:2007-04-13
中文摘要: 按照棉铃虫繁育规律,将棉铃虫周年活动期划分为秋季预蛹期、越冬期、春季羽化 期、夏季危害期4个阶段,分阶段选取有昆虫学、统计学意义的气象因子,通过归一化处理 和加权组合,组成棉铃虫气象指数,建立多时效、归一化棉铃虫气象预报模式和分析、评价 指标。结果显示:气象条件与棉铃虫发生程度密切相关,各时段预报模式的复相关系数达 0.7780~0.8780,回代拟合率为96.7%,回归效果极显著。经试报应用,取得较好效果。 结论认为:将诸多气象因子作无量纲化处理,不但便于因子间相互组合,还可提高模式的预 报精度;将棉铃虫周年繁育期划分为秋季预蛹期、越冬期、春季羽化期、夏季危害期,突出 了阶段性特点,分阶段组建预报模式,预报效果较好。对组合因子的生物学意义,有待生物 学试验认定。
中文关键词: 棉铃虫  归一化  气象条件  模式
Abstract:According to the breeding behavior of bollworm, its anniversary activi ty can be divided into four phases: the Pupa in autumn, overwintering, eclosion in spring and damage in summer. For each phase, by selecting some me teorological parameters which is of entomological and statistical meaning a mult i effectiveness normalized meteorological prediction model of bollworm and anal ysis evaluation indices are developed by normalized processing and weighted com bination of parameters. It shows that occurrence of bollworm is closely related to the meteorological conditions. The complex correlation coefficients of each phase are 0.778-0.878, with the fit of 96.7%. The model has a good result i n the practice.It concludes that the non dimensional proc  essing of meteorological parameters is not only favorable to its combination ea ch other, but also to increase the precise of model prediction. However the bio logical meanings of these combination parameters are to be defined through biolo gical experiments.
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Jia Jinming,Zhang Xiangmei,Guo Mingrong,Li Gaiqin,Wang Chunling,Mao Guiping,Li Hanjin,2007.Development and Application of Multi effectiveness Normalized Prediction Model for Bollworm in Northern Henan Province [J].Meteor Mon,33(7):105-111.