(1.云南省气象科学研究所,昆明 650034;2.云南大学大气科学系;3.云南省气象台)
The Relationship Between the Landslide and Debris Flows and the Precipitation in Yunnan Province Under Conditions of Different Geology and Geomorphology
(1.Meteorological Institute of Yunnan Province,Kunming 650034;2. Atmospheric Science Department of Yunnan University;3.Meteorological Observatory of Yunnan Province)
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投稿时间:2007-04-06    修订日期:2007-07-23
中文摘要: 利用2001—2005年5—10月逐日降水量资料、滑坡泥石流样本和地质地貌特征等级,分析研 究了不同地质地貌条件下滑坡泥石流与降水的关系。结果表明:滑坡泥石流发生与短时强降 水和前期累积降水量关系密切,8天累积降水量40~50mm、9天累积降水量70~80mm、10天累 积降水量100~110mm和1~2天30~40mm等降水条件最为敏感。在现有降水量观测空间密度不 足的情况下,用前期累积降水量来分析与滑坡泥石流之间的关系十分重要;不同地质和地貌 条件下滑坡泥石流发生对降水量大小的响应有比较大的差异,在预测预报时,若能综合考虑 各类地质地貌特征,将有助于减少空报率。
Abstract:Using day by day precipitation data from May to October during the period of 200 1—2005, the landslide and debris flow cases and the grades data of geology and geomorphology feature, the relationship between the landslide and debris flows a nd precipitation in Yunnan Province under the different geology and physiogn omy conditions was investigated. The results indicated that there is close relat io n between the landslide and debris flows and the preceding cumu lative precipit ation. The most sensitive rainfall conditions are 8 days cumulative precipitati on(40~50mm), 9 days cumulative precipitation(70~80mm), 10 days cumulative prec ipitation(100~110mm) and 1~2 days cumulative precipitation(30~40mm), etc. Un der the conditions of the deficiency of precipitation observation spatial densit y, it is very important that preceding cumulative precipitation was applied to a nalyzing the relationship between the landslide and debris flows and the precipi tation. Under the conditions of various geology and geomorphology, the landslide and debris flows respond well to precipitation. It is very useful for reducing empty prediction ratio to synthetically con sidering various geology and geomorphology in the course of prediction.
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基金项目:中国气象局新技术推广项CMATG2005M39,云南省科技攻关及高新技术计划2005SG 25。
Duan Xu,Tao Yun,Liu Jianyu,Peng Guifen,2007.The Relationship Between the Landslide and Debris Flows and the Precipitation in Yunnan Province Under Conditions of Different Geology and Geomorphology[J].Meteor Mon,33(9):33-39.