(1.天津市气象科学研究所, 300074;2.天津市胸科医院)
Study on the Grade Classification of Pollen Concentration
(1.Tianjin Meteorological Institute, 300074;2.Tianjin Chest Hospital)
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投稿时间:2006-12-09    修订日期:2007-06-28
中文摘要: 随着环境气象服务的拓展,开展花粉预报的省市地区逐年增加,但花粉预报等级在国内尚无 统一标准,影响服务效果。为了使花粉浓度预报客观化规范化,根据全国29个省市花粉调查 数据,按华北、东北、华东等七大区域进行了花粉季节变化规律分析。利用天津市2001—20 05年、武汉市1994—1995年花粉观测资料和同期花粉过敏患者病例,进行了花粉浓度与发病 率的相关分析,依据不同种类植物花粉致敏性的强弱,分别按木本植物和草本植物进行了花 粉浓度等级划分,共分为低、较低、中等、较高、高5个级别。结果表明花粉浓度与发病率 等级有较好的一致性。虽然用花粉浓度的高低不能精确地表示发病率的高低,但基本可以表 征花粉症的发病趋势。此等级标准在实际应用中既方便而且又非常有实际意义。
Abstract:With the extension of environmental meteorological services, pollen forecast has been implemented in a lot of province. Because grad of pollen prediction has no uniform standard and the results of service have been influenced at present. In order to standardize pollen concentration prediction objectively, the seasonal change character of pollen was analyzed based on the data of twenty nine provin ce of China. A correlation between the pollen concentration and the pollen anaph ylaxis was statistically analyzed based on the data of pollen observations achie ved in 2001 2005, Tianjin and in 1994-1995, Wuhan, and the data of patients who are sensitive to the pollen. According to pollen sensitized intensity of differen t kind of plant, including woody plant and herbaceous plant, five grades of poll en concentration were classified: low, lower, medium, higher and high, respectiv ely. The classification shows a good consistency between the pollen concentratio nand the pollen anaphylaxis.Although the pollen concentration does not accurately describe the change of incidence of pollinosis, it can indicate evolution trend . The grades are convenient and practical to the operation service.
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Bai Yurong,Duan Liyao,Wu Zhenling,Liu Yan,Meng Yaqin,2007.Study on the Grade Classification of Pollen Concentration[J].Meteor Mon,33(9):112-117.