(1.山东省桓台县气象局, 256400;2.山东省齐河县气象局;3.山东省博兴县气象局;4.山东省高青县气象局;5.山东省桓台县农业局;6.山东省桓台县水务局)
The Effect of Temperature Change on Proper Seeding Time of Winter Wheat in the Northwest of Shandong Province
(1.Huantai Meteorological Station, Shandong Province 256400;2.Qihe Meteorological Station, Shandong Province;3.Boxing Meteorological Station, Shandong Province;4.Gaoqing Meteorological Station, Shandong Province;5.Huantai Agricultural Station, Shandong Province;6.Huantai Water Conservation Station, Shandong Province)
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投稿时间:2006-12-01    修订日期:2007-09-06
中文摘要: 近十几年来,地处鲁西北地区的桓台县年平均气温呈上升趋势,冬半年气温上升较明 显,冬小麦的生长受其影响,冬前旺长和绿体越冬时常出现,冬小麦抗低温能力受到影响, 容易成灾。降低冬小麦冬前旺长几率,可以通过选取适应气温变化的播种时间来增强冬小麦 抗低温能力。将冬小麦播种出苗所需要的日平均气温、播种至停止生长期积温、播种到收获 所需总积温等3个农业气象指标,与近10年气温变化统计比较,发现在气温升高趋势下,冬 小麦适宜播种的最佳时段比传统的播种时间明显后推。
中文关键词: 气温变化  冬小麦  适宜播期
Abstract:Over the past ten years and more, the average temperature of Huantai s ituated in the northwest of Shandong Province is on the rise, and the temperatur e increased distinctly in winter half year, which influences the growth of win ter wheat. Winter wheat commonly grow rapidly before winter time and over winter with green form, and its resistance to low te mperature is affected,it likely cau ses a natural hazard. We can strengthen resistance ability of winter wheat and d ecrease the possibility of its rapid growth by choosing a proper sown time to ad apt the temperature change. Now comparing three agriculture indicators (includin g the daily mean temperature from seeding to come out, accumulated temperature f rom seeding to growth cease, total accumulated temperature from seeding to harve st) with actual statistical result of temperature change over past ten years, we can find that as the temperature increases, the proper seeding time of winter w heat should be postpone compared to traditional seeding time.
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Rong Yunpeng,Zhu Baomei,Han Guixiang,Gao Kehua,Guo Chunrong,Liu Yantao,Wang Jiaren,Qiao Xiufang,2007.The Effect of Temperature Change on Proper Seeding Time of Winter Wheat in the Northwest of Shandong Province[J].Meteor Mon,33(10):110-113.