(1.青海省人工影响天气办公室 810001;2.南京信息工程大学;3.中国科学院东北地理研究所)
Application of Ground Based Microwave Radiometer Detection to Precipitation Enhancement in the Upper of the Yellow River
(1.Weather Modification Office of Qinghai Province, Xining 810001;2.Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology;3.Northeast Geography Institute,Chinese Academy of Sciences)
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投稿时间:2006-12-25    修订日期:2007-06-14
中文摘要: 利用2003、2004年夏秋季在青海省河南县的地基双频段微波辐射计连续观测资料,在实施 系统探测实验以进行辐射亮温值(TB(23.87),TB(31.65))与大气汽态总水 汽含量(Q)和云中积分液态水含量(L)值反演处理的基础上,分析了黄河上游河曲地 区的云水特征,并进行了降水预测及人工增雨作业指标的探讨。结果表明:在黄河上游 河曲地区,7—9月纯晴天无云天气条件下,L值基本为0,表明了统计回归反演的显著性 。多云条件下Q值和L值分别在3.76~4.75g·cm-2、227.34~859.42g·m-2
Abstract:Qinghai from July to September in 2003, 2004. The cl oud water feature was analyzed by using the data from the microwave rad iometer, and an experiment of weather modification is preliminary conducted. Th e result indicated that there is a certain range of both Q and L under t he vario us atmospheric conditions, for which the retrieval model is effective. For the c umulonimbus case, there is an obvious fluctuation in both Q and L in adv ance of five hours of precipitation. Then, the convective cloud developed and Q and L ha d a sharp increase. Data comparison between Henan and Xi’an stations shows that Q and L were influenced by the terrain and vapor transportation. The fo rmer sta tion has a better potentiality of precipitation enhancement than t he later. The calculated threshold of precipitation has reference value for the operation of weather modification in the upper reaches of the Yellow River.
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Wang Lijun,Sun Anping,Liu Caihong,Zhao Kai,2007.Application of Ground Based Microwave Radiometer Detection to Precipitation Enhancement in the Upper of the Yellow River[J].Meteor Mon,33(11):28-33.