(河南省人工影响天气办公室,郑州 450003)
Case Analysis of Precipitable Water and Cloud Liquid Water Measured by Dual Frequency Microwave Radiometer
(Henan Artificial Weather Modification Office, Zhengzou 450023)
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投稿时间:2007-07-27    修订日期:2007-10-18
中文摘要: 利用23.8 GHz和31.65GHz双频地基微波辐射计观测资料,结合卫星云图、雷达、探空和自记 雨量计等资料分析了2005年4月在河南新乡观测的不同云系影响时大气垂直积分含水量(V)和云中液态含水量(L)的演变特征,对4月8日低槽云系影响时V、L的特征进 行了分析。结果表明:双频辐射计对空中水汽和液态水反映灵敏,不同天气背景时对应有不 同的V、L值分布。云液水含量L的变化与云量的增减有关。降水开始之前,水汽含 量V值有明显波动,液态水含量L值也有明显增加,一般增大到0.4mm时即出现降水 。这些现象对降水开始有指示意义,可预测云系正处于降水产生的阶段,可应用于人工增雨 作业。此外,根据微波辐射计观测资料分析了大气水汽、云液水和地面降水之间的定量关系 ,云中液态水仅占汽态水的8.7‰左右,落回地面的降水占空中水汽量的18%左右。
中文关键词: 微波辐射计  遥测  云液态含水量
Abstract:By using the data from the ground based dual frequency microwave radio meter of 23.8 and 31.65 GHz, satellite cloud picture, the data from weather rada r, radiosounding and self recording rain gauge, analyzed was the evolution of a t mospheric integrated precipitable water (V) and cloud liquid water content ( L) o btained in different cloud conditions in April of 2005 in Xingxiang, Henan. Spe cial analysis was focused on the effect of low trough cloud system on April 8. T he results showed that the radiometer is sensible to the water vapor and liquid water in clouds, and different V and L correspond to different weather b ackgroun d. The variation in L is related to the increasing or decreasing of cloud wa ter content. There is an obvious fluctuation in L before rain and increase sig nifica ntly during rain. Generally when L reaches 0.4 mm, the precipitation happen s. This reveals that cloud is developing and will rain. In addition, the relations hip among the three kinds of atmospheric water, i.e., precipitable water, cloud water and precipitating water, was analyzed based on the observation data. The results showed the ratio of L and V is 0.0087, whereas the rainfall amou nt is only 18% of precipitable water.
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基金项目:“十五”河南省重大科技攻关项目(0522030400),2004河南省重点科技 攻关项目(0423034000),2004河南省气象科学技术研究项目(Z200407)共同资助
Li Tielin,Liu Jinhua,Liu Yanhua,Zhang Yunping,Zheng Hongwei,Ma Xinxin,2007.Case Analysis of Precipitable Water and Cloud Liquid Water Measured by Dual Frequency Microwave Radiometer[J].Meteor Mon,33(12):62-68.