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(重庆市气候中心, 401147)
Variability of Extreme High Temperature and Response to Regional Warming over Chongqing
(Chongqing Climate Center 401147)
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投稿时间:2007-09-28    修订日期:2007-12-28
中文摘要: 利用重庆1961—2006年31个站逐日最高温度资料,统计出年极端高温发生频次、年极端高温 强度、年极端最高温度,分析了它们近46年来的变化情况。结果表明:近46年来重庆年极端 高温发生频次呈西减东增的趋势,但增加/减少趋势并不显著。年极端高温的强度和年极端 最高气温均在不断增强。年极端高温发生频次的增加对于重庆区域增暖的响应最显著,而年 极端最高温度的升高比年极端高温频次的增加对重庆区域性增暖的响应偏弱,但又比年极端 高温强度的增强对重庆区域性增暖的响应程度要偏强。
Abstract:Based on the daily maximum temperature data in 1961—2006 from 33 sta tions in Chongqing, spatial distribution feature and long term change tendency of annul extreme high temperature frequency and intensity and annul extreme maxi mum temperature are analyzed. The result shows that in recent 46 years the trend of annual extreme high temperature frequency is decreasing in the western part of Chongqing and increasing in the eastern part,but the increase/decrease tre nd is not significant. In the recent 46 years the annual extreme high temperatur e intensity and annual extreme maximum temperature strengthen gradually. Increas ing tendency of annual extreme high temperature frequency in response to regiona l warming of Chongqing is most remarkable. Increasing tendency of annual extreme maximum temperature in respon se to regional warming of Chongqing is stronger than annual extreme high tempera ture intensity.
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基金项目:中国气象局气候变化专项(CCSF2007 24),中国气象局业务专项“高温 热浪监测预警业务系统”,重庆市气象局科技计划项目(200705)“重庆极端高温干旱发生 规律及气候趋势预估研究”,重庆市气象局科技计划项目(200618)“重庆市气候变化评估 研究”共同资助
Zhang Tianyu,Cheng Bingyan,Liu Xiaoran,Xiang Bo,Wang Yong,2008.Variability of Extreme High Temperature and Response to Regional Warming over Chongqing[J].Meteor Mon,34(2):69-76.