(1.河北省气象台,石家庄 050021;2.兰州大学大气科学学院;3. 河北省气象科技服务中心)
Diagnoses Analysis of Physical Characteristic Changes of Tropical Storm Haima Before and after Its Transformation
(1.Hebei Meteorological Observatory, Shijiazhuang 050021;2.College ofAtmospheric Sciences, Lanzhou University;3. Hebei Meteorological Science and Technology Service Center)
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投稿时间:2007-04-02    修订日期:2008-01-23
中文摘要: 利用NCEP再分析资料,针对热带风暴海马(0421)变性前后各物理量进行诊断分 析,发现了一些有意义的结果。由变性前高低层的暖心对称结构到变性后非对称的锋面结构 ,其中冷空气是从低层、低压的西南象限开始入侵的。同时相对涡度场上,也由整层左右对 称的正涡度演变成自低层到高层向西倾斜的垂直分布。另外,24小时平均相对涡度、平均散 度呈现出中低层数值变大,且辐合上升层的厚度也加大的特点;最大上升速度中心的 高度由变性前的600hPa上升到500hPa。由于西风带高空槽东移,变性后存在两条水汽通道, 一条伴随槽前的西南气流,一条来自南海与强劲的偏南气流相伴。
中文关键词: 热带风暴  变性  物理量特征  诊断分析
Abstract:By using the data of NCEP, the physical characteristics of tropical st orm ‘Haima' (0421) before and after its transformation are analyzed. The results show that before its transformation, ‘Haima' had a warm core and a sym me tric structure, and after transformation, the storm became more asymmetric and f rontal. In this process, the cold air invaded into storm from the southwestern p art at low level layer. The relative vorticity changed from symmetric positive v alue at all levels beneath 200hPa to asymmetric structure. In the mean time, the mean relative vorticity and divergence in 24h in middle and low levels became b igger and layer became thicker. The height of vertical velocity center changed f rom 600hPa to 500hPa. There were two vaporchannels because of the eastward trough, one came with southwestern flow, and th e other came from the South China Sea with southern flow.
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Zhang Yingxin,Li Gene,Zhang Shoubao,2008.Diagnoses Analysis of Physical Characteristic Changes of Tropical Storm Haima Before and after Its Transformation[J].Meteor Mon,34(3):49-55.