(国家气象中心,北京 100081)
Methodology on Dynamical Prediction of Rape Yield in China
(National Meteorological Center, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2006-12-06    修订日期:2008-01-14
中文摘要: 油菜是我国主要的油料作物之一,开展油菜产量动态预报对农业生产和国家食物安 全都具有重要意义。利用全国及主产区油菜产量资料、发育期资料、生理气象指标、日最高气温、日 最低气温、日降水量和日日照时数等资料,通过相似系数和欧氏距离建立综合诊断指标,根 据历史年油菜产量丰歉气象影响指数,研究分析预报年的油菜产量丰歉气象影响指数,以 此建立全国、各主产区油菜产量动态预报方法。结果表明,预报试验和预报检验的丰歉趋势预 报正确率、实际单产预报准确率均较高,能够满足业务服务的需要。该方法可使业务预报的 时效提前,并实现动态跟踪预报,具有良好的业务应用前景。
Abstract:The rape is one of the most major oil plants. It is important to forecas t the yield of rape dynamically for agricultural production and national foodstuff secur ity. In this study, a dynamical prediction method has been established both for region specific rape yield and nationwide yield. The method utilizes the data o f rape yield, development stage, physiological meteorological index, daily maximu m and minimum temperature, daily precipitation, and daily sunshine duration from individual major producing region and the whole china. The method involves with the calculation of composite diagnostic index from the correlation coefficient and Euclidean distance and the derivation of meteorological influence index for bumper or poor harvest in the prediction year from the historic meteorological i nfluence index. The results indicate that the method has high prediction accurac y of the bumper or poor harvest trend and the actual yield of rape on both trial and test of forecasting and can satisfy the needs of operational application. T he method not only can predict efficiency in advance, but also realize the capab ilities for dynamical tracking and prediction and has great potential in operati onal application. 
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Song Yingbo,Wang Jianlin,Chen Hui,Yang Feiyun,2008.Methodology on Dynamical Prediction of Rape Yield in China[J].Meteor Mon,34(3):93-99.