(1.江西省气象台, 南昌 330046;2.江西省雷电监测预警中心)
Comparative Analysis Between Two Severe Lightning Disasters
(1.Jiangxi Provincial Meteorological Observatory, Nanchang 330046;2.Jiangxi Province Lighting Monitoring and Warning Center)
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投稿时间:2008-01-21    修订日期:2008-03-04
中文摘要: 为了不断提高雷电预报预警业务水平,对2007年6月24—25日和7月10—11日两次致灾 雷电天气过程,分别从闪电定位资料、环流背景、环境场的热力和动力特征、不稳定度以及 多普勒雷达回波特征等方面进行了对比分析。分析结果表明:两次过程闪电密度分别为0.61 3个?km-2和0.085个?km-2,密度比7.2/1;雷击死亡人数与闪电密度密切相 关。相似的环流背景是副高快速东退南落,且有短波槽携带的弱冷空气沿副高西北侧东移。在雷暴发生前,两 者影响系统和位置非常相似,前者为弱下沉和弱上升运动,有利于不稳定能量的积累,后者 上升运动较明显。热力特征主要表现为:中层为负变温;湿度呈下湿上干的“喇叭口”分布 ;CAPE、K指数、SI等不稳定度指数均达到了产生雷电的阈值,但前者中层冷 空气更强、低层湿度更大或近地面有逆温、更不稳定。前次雷电过程组合反射率CR、回波顶高ET 、垂直积分液态水VIL明显大于后一次雷电过程,且前者长时间维持在极高值。地面中尺度辐合 系统活动区域是雷电的频发区,在时间上也早于强雷电发展时间。
Abstract:Two severe lightning disasters, which happened on June 24 and July 25, 2007, were compared with lightning location information, circulation backg round, thermal and dynamic characters of ambient field, atmospheric instability and Doppler radar echo feature. Results show that the number of died people of t hunder stroke is relative to the lightning density. These two processes have sim ilar circulation background and synoptic system, but the former has lower sinkin g motion and ascending motion. Both of them are dry in upper air and wet in lowe r, as well as the negative temperature variation in middle atmosphere. Instability index such as CAPE, K index, SI index are all reach the threshold of lightning. The for mer has stronger cold air and higher humidity, as well as the temperat ure inversion in ground layer. The composite reflectivity, echo top heights, ver tical integrated liquid of June 24 25 are extremely high for long time, but th e former is obviously larger than the latter. Lightning often happens in the are as of mesoscale convergence system.
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Xu Aihua,Li Yuta,Zheng Jing,Ying Dongmei,2008.Comparative Analysis Between Two Severe Lightning Disasters[J].Meteor Mon,34(4):71-78.