2008年1月我国大范围低温雨雪 冰冻灾害分析Ⅰ. 气候特征与影响评估
(国家气候中心,北京 100081)
Analysis of the Severe Cold Surge, Ice snow and Frozen Disasters in South China During January 2008: I. Climatic Features and Its Impact
(National Climate Center, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2008-02-05    修订日期:2008-02-27
中文摘要: 2008年1月,我国南方大部地区遭受历史罕见的低温、雨雪、冰冻灾害,作者对此次天气气 候过程进行了分析并与同期历史进行了比较。发现:此次冰冻天气影响范围广、强度 大、持续时间长、造成的损失极为严重,全国有20个省(区、市)先后遭受了低温雨雪冰冻 灾害,湖南、湖北大部、江西西北部、安徽中南部、贵州中部等地冰冻日数达10~20天;此 次冰冻灾害强度大,表现为降温明显、日最高气温异常偏低、降水量显著偏多;持续时间长 ,长江中下游及贵州连续低温日数和连续冰冻日数均超过1954/1955年冬季,达到历史最大 值;冰冻灾害对电力、交通运输、农业及人民群众生活造成严重影响和损失,尤其对我国南 方电力运行造成灾难性影响。
中文关键词: 低温  雨雪  冰冻  气候特征
Abstract:During January 2008, a persistent process of severe weathers with cold surge, ic e snow and frozen rain attacked South China. These weather related climate ext remes and accessed their impacts on South China are reviewed. The analysis sugge sts that the cold surge and heavy snowfalljointly caused frozen weather and affected 20 provinces in South China , where, Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Anhui, and Guizhou witnessed persistent frozen w eathers of 10~20 days. It resulted in the most severe damage due to its powerfu l intensity and long time persistence in these areas, where the number of contin uous low temperature days and frozen days broke through the record in the winter of 1954/1955 in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River region and Guizhou Provi nce. These frozen weathers caused great damages through influencing transportation, agriculture, and people daily activities, particularly by stopping the power sup ply in South China.
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王凌,高歌,张强,孙家民,王遵娅,张勇,赵珊珊,陈鲜艳,陈峪,王有民,陈丽娟,高辉,2008.2008年1月我国大范围低温雨雪 冰冻灾害分析Ⅰ. 气候特征与影响评估[J].气象,34(4):95-100.
Wang Ling,Gao Ge,Zhang Qiang,Sun Jiamin,Wang Zunya,Zhang Yong,Zhao Shanshan,Chen Xianyan,Chen Yu,Wang Youmin,Chen Lijuan,Gao Hui,2008.Analysis of the Severe Cold Surge, Ice snow and Frozen Disasters in South China During January 2008: I. Climatic Features and Its Impact[J].Meteor Mon,34(4):95-100.