(广州中心气象台, 510080)
Research on the Enhancement of Tropical Cyclone Rainstorm Influenced by Monsoon Trough of South China Sea
(Guangzhou Central Meteorological Observatory, 510080)
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投稿时间:2007-11-12    修订日期:2008-01-26
中文摘要: 使用NASA的热带测雨卫星TRMM资料、常规气象观测降水资料、NCAR/NCEP 2再分析资 料及NCEP全球数据同化系统(GDAS)资料,分析研究南海季风槽伴随热带气旋登陆华南而导致热 带气旋暴雨强烈增幅的事实,并根据观测事实提出季风槽伴随热带气旋登陆华南的定义。结 果表明:(1)南海季风槽伴随热带气旋登陆导致热带气旋降水强烈增幅的天气现象发生在盛夏 季节;(2)环流背景表现为副热带高压带状西伸,稳定控制华中一带;同时,西南季风活跃 ,南海季风槽位于南海北部之时;(3)热带气旋登陆后的填塞消亡时间因为季风槽的伴随而 大大延长,热带气旋云系有再生、加强和扩展现象;(4)伴随登陆的季风槽对热带气旋暴雨 无论是空间,时间,还是强度上均有强烈增幅作用,热带气旋暴雨在季风槽南侧延伸,尺度 可达1500~2500km。
中文关键词: 季风槽  热带气旋  TRMM  暴雨  增幅
Abstract:The TRMM data, conventional observation data, NCAR/NCEP 2 reanalysis data and global data assimilation system (GDAS) data are taken to investigate the strong enhancement of tropical cyclone rainstorm when tropical cyclone accompanied with South China Sea monsoon trough lands in South China. Based on the observational facts, the event that the tropical cyclone accompanied with a monsoon trough la nds in South China is defined. The results show that strong enhancement of tropi cal cyclone rainstorm usually happened in July to September. The synoptic clima tic characteristics are that subtropical high intensifies zonal spreading wester ly and dominates over middle China. Meanwhile, South China Sea monsoon is in its active period, South China Sea monsoon trough locates over north of South China Sea. The lifetime of tropical cyclone after its landing is prolonged due to the accompanying South China Sea monsoon trough. Cloud system of tropical cyclone has a process of regeneration, strengthening and spreading. Tropical cyclone rai nstorm gains strong increment on rainfall intensity and tropical cyclone lifetim e. The rainfall area stretches on the south of the monsoon trough about 1500~25 00km.
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基金项目:广东省科技厅项目“登陆或严重影响广东台风的预报预警技术研究"(编号:2007B30604016) 资助
Lu Shan,Wu Naigeng,Xue Dengzhi,2008.Research on the Enhancement of Tropical Cyclone Rainstorm Influenced by Monsoon Trough of South China Sea[J].Meteor Mon,34(6):53-59.