(国家气象中心,北京 100081)
Study on Haze Weather in China during Winter time of 2006
(National Meteorological Center, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2008-01-25    修订日期:2008-03-20
中文摘要: 利用常规气象观测资料和NCEP再分析资料,对2006年10月至2007年2月我国霾天气的 时空分布、环流形势特征和霾天气过程中气象要素的变化特征进行了统计和天气学分析。结 果表明:2006年10月、12月、1月和2月是我国霾频发时期,11—14时发生的范围最大。霾主 要发生在中阻塞、南支槽和纬向型三种不同的环流形势下。霾天气发生时的气象要素分布存 在南 北区域性差异,其中湿度的差别最为显著。14时华南地区相对湿度最大值为80%左右,长江 中下游地区为70%,而华北地区只有60%。24小时气压减弱有利霾的发生。华北地区24小时负 变温,而长江以南地区正变温时,霾更容易发生。能见度最小值的分布表明,广东、黄淮等 部分地区发生霾时能见度较其他区域更小,只有2km左右。这些对于了解霾的发生规律和预 报具有重要意义。
中文关键词:   时空分布  环流形势  气象要素
Abstract:The spatial temporal characteristics, the background of atmospheric ci rculations and the relevant physical elements of the haze weather are statistica lly analyzed based on the observational data and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data durin g the period from October 2006 to February of the next year. The results show th at higher frequency of the haze occurs in October, December, January and Februar y, and a high incidence of haze mainly occurs at about 11:00-14:00. The main syn optic situations of haze are partitioned into three types, namely the blocking h igh over middle latitude pattern, southern branch trough pattern and zonal circu lation pa ttern. The physical elements exhibit variations form north to south, especially obvious in humidity. During haze occurrence at 14pm, relative humidity is less t han 80% in Huanan Region, 70% in the middle lowvalley of the Yangtze River, less than 6 0% in Huabei Region. The visibility is relatively low in parts of Guangdong Province and Huanghuai Region. Above results are valuable to understand the forming mechanism and to establish forecast system of haze.
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Zhou Ningfang,Li Feng,Rao Xiaoqin,Yang Keming,2008.Study on Haze Weather in China during Winter time of 2006[J].Meteor Mon,34(6):81-88.