A Statistical Analysis of Intensity Change of Tropical Cyclones Landing Taiwan
(1.Lanzhou University, 730000;2.National Meteorological Center)
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投稿时间:2008-02-14    修订日期:2008-04-01
中文摘要: 用中国气象局整编的1949—2006年共58年的《台风年鉴》或《热带气旋年鉴》资料,将资料 线性插值到1小时,挑选出经过台湾岛的热带气旋(TC),用统计分析的方法,揭示TC经过 台湾岛时的强度变化特征。结果表明,TC从东侧登陆台湾岛损失的强度为西侧登陆损失强度 的2倍以上;TC登陆时的路径方向与台湾中央山脉长轴的交角越接近垂直,其过岛损失的强 度越小,在岛逗留的时间越短;TC登陆台湾岛东侧时强度损耗与TC登陆前其自身的强度呈正 相关,而登陆台湾岛西侧则没有明显的统计规律;TC从台湾西侧登陆时不但出现强度不变或 者增强的几率更大,而且强度增强也更多。
中文关键词: 热带气旋  强度变化  统计分析
Abstract:A statistical analysis on the intensity change of tropical cyclones (TC) that pa ssed Taiwan is performed. The data of 58 years (1949-2006) from Typhoon yearbook and tropical cyclone yearbook compiled by Chinese Meteorological Administration (CMA) is used. The records of each typhoon are linearly interpolated to one hou r per record. Only TCs that passed Taiwan are picked out for analysis. Several c onclusions can be obtained from the statistics. First of all, the intensity loss of TCs landing from the east side is twice more than that of TCs from west side . Secondly, the more perpendicular the angle between the route direction of land ing TC and long axis of Taiwan central mountain, the smaller the intensity loss and duration on the land. Thirdly, there is a positive correlation between the i ntensity loss and initial intensity for the TCs landing from the east side where as no such correlation exists for TCs from west side. Fourthly, the probability that the intensity remains the same or increases of TCs landing from the west si de is higher than that of TCs from the east.
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Dong Lin,Duan Yihong,2008.A Statistical Analysis of Intensity Change of Tropical Cyclones Landing Taiwan[J].Meteor Mon,34(7):10-14.