(1.河南省气象台 郑州 450003;2.河南省人工影响天气指挥中心;3.河南省气象学会)
Character Analysis on CINRADAR Products of Strong Convection Storm Weather in Henan Province
(1.Henan Meteorological Observatory, Zhengzhou 450003;2.Henan Weather Modification Directing Center;3.Henan Meteorological Society)
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投稿时间:2007-08-31    修订日期:2008-06-01
中文摘要: 利用濮阳、三门峡新一代天气雷达产品,结合卫星、探空、天气图、地面雨量等资料对2006 年6月25日发生在河南省北部、西部和中部的强对流风暴过程进行分析发现:(1)此次强对流 风暴表现为多个处于不同发展阶段的的强对流回波单体组成长80~400km、宽40km的NE—SW 向中β对流回波带即飑线;(2)强对流风暴在发展旺盛期间,其前沿有雷暴出流边界;( 3)低层强NW风推动对流回波带向前发展成弓型带状回波;(4)在强对流风暴前侧,紧挨 雷暴出流边界内侧产生了一条弧线窄带速度线,随着雷暴出流边界远离强对流风暴主体, 该弧线窄带速度线也远离大片的速度区,并逐渐消失;(5)不同性质的强对流天气,其基本 反射率、回波顶高、垂直液态积分含水量时有差异。北部雷雨大风伴短时强降水的强对流天 气,强中心基本反射率在53~63dBz,回波顶高9~14km,垂直液态积分含水量在38~48kg· m-1之间;而西部中部的雷雨大风伴随局部冰雹和短时强降水的强对流天气,强中心 基本反射率在53~65dBz,回波顶高度11~16km,对应垂直液态积分含水量在48~63kg·m -1之间;(5)在强对流风暴发展旺盛时期一直有中气旋伴随,中气旋出现在强对流单体 前侧或前侧的入流槽口处。强对流风暴的新一代雷达产品特征是强对流天气监测预警的重要 参考依据。
Abstract:CINRADAR Products of Puyang and Sanmenxia combined with data of satellite, radio sounding, synoptic chart and rainfall station were used to analyze the process of the strong convective weather such as thunder rain as well as local hailstone happened in the north, west and middle of Henan on June 25 ,2006. The conclusions are: (1) This strong convection storm showed that several cells for strong convection echo during different development stage consisted t o meso β convective echoes band namely squall line with 80~400km long, 40 km wide and in NE SW direction. (2) During vigorously developing period of sev e re thunderstorm there was a thunderstorm outflow border. (3) In the low level st rong north west air flow forced the convective echoes band to grow and form the band echoes like bow shape. (4) There was a velocity line of arc shape short ba nd medial the thunderstorm outflow border in front of the severe convective stor m, this velocity line was far away from the area of blockbuster velocity and gra dually disappeared with the outflow border away from the main body of strong con vection storm. (5) The base reflectivity, echo top and vertical integral liquid water content of different type of severe thunderstorm had distinctions during t he strong convection weather with different properties. Thunder wind with short time strong rainfall weather had the base reflectivity in the strong center of 53~63dBz, echo top of 9~14km and vertical integral liquid water content of 38~48kg/m2 in the north, while 53~65dBz base reflectivity, 11~16km echo to p and 48~63kg/m2 vertical integral liquid water content in the west and the m iddle region in Henan Province. (6) There always was mesocyclone during the vigo rously developing stage of severe thunderstorm. Mesocyclone occurred in front of severe convection cell or foregoing inflow trough scoop. These CINRADAR product s characters of severe convective storm are important reference basements in str ong conwection weather forecast and alarm.
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基金项目:河南省重大科技攻关项目0522030400,河南省气象局《河南省强对流风暴演变预 报技术研究》Z200604研究。
Niu Shuzhen,Bao Xiangdong,Qiao Chungui,Kang Wenying,2008.Character Analysis on CINRADAR Products of Strong Convection Storm Weather in Henan Province[J].Meteor Mon,34(7):92-100.