Study on the Method of Automatic Selection of Seeding Areas for Weather Modification
(1.Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, 210044;2. The Center of Weather Modification of Henan Province;3.National Meteorological Center;4.Meteorological Administration of Henan Province;5.The Center of Weather Modification of Henan Province)
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投稿时间:2007-07-23    修订日期:2008-05-10
中文摘要: 综合利用雷达、卫星、数值模式产品和探空等各种不同类型、不同分辨率的资料,使用计算 机软件技术自动选择人工增雨可播区域。该方法把整个区域分解为若干小块,形成小块矩阵 。通过处理不同分辨率资料,使之与一定小块之间建立相关,利用这些资料综合判断小块可 播性。然后把小块矩阵看作一个稀疏矩阵,采用正交链表存储方式,使用相邻搜索算法,自 动找出所有可播区域。文中描述了该方法的实现算法以及采用的相应数据结构和存储结构, 并简单地分析了一个应用个例。
中文关键词: 人工增雨  可播区域  软件技术
Abstract:A method is offered in this study for automatic selection of seeding a reas for weather modification via computer software techniques based on various data with different resolution from radar, satellite, numerical model results an d upper air sounding etc. The method separates the whole area into several smal l square areas forming several small matrixes. By means of dealing with various d ata and analyzing the correlation between these data and certain small areas, it can be determined whether these small areas can be seeded or not. After taking all the small areas as sparse matrixes and adopting the storage mode of orthogon al chain table, all the seeding areas can be found out automatically based on t he algorithm of adjacent search. The algorithm, data and storage structures are d escribed in detail in this paper. The method makes it easy to select the seeding areas automatically with various data on the basis of computer software techniq ues. It can be applied directly into decision-making of aircraft operation and a rtillery (rocket) operation for weather modification and is important to the ope ration modernization of weather modification.
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基金项目:“十一五”河南省重大科技攻关项目“河南省云水资源 开发利用技术研究与示范”(0522030400)、河南省重点攻关计划项目(04230304000)、2 004河南省气象科学技术研究项目(Z200407)。
Huang Yimei,Zhou Yuquan,Liu Jinhua,Li Tielin,2008.Study on the Method of Automatic Selection of Seeding Areas for Weather Modification[J].Meteor Mon,34(7):108-113.