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(1.中国气象科学研究院,北京 100081;2.北京市气象局)
Comparison and Analysis on Two Successive Torrential Rain Events over Beijing in Summer of 2006
(1.Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081;2.Beijing Meteorological Bureau)
本文已被:浏览 912次   下载 2010
投稿时间:2008-04-15    修订日期:2008-05-22
中文摘要: 利用北京地区高时空分辨率的地面自动站资料、多普勒雷达数据、卫星图像、风廓线数据以 及6小时一次的NCEP再分析资料等,对2006年7月31日和8月1日接连发生在北京地区的两场暴 雨做观测对比分析。结果表明:(1)7月31日降水为典型的华北强低槽锋面影响下的北京大 范围强对流降水,8月1日降水为该华北低槽东移变为低压后的一次飑线影响下的北京部分地 区强对流降水;两场暴雨大尺度环境条件相似,但与7月31日相比8月1日贯通南北的远距离 水汽输送以及干冷空气与暖湿空气在北京地区的对峙已明显减弱,即形成全北京范围扰动的 环境条件已经减弱。(2)两场暴雨的中尺度对流系统在形状、强度、移动路径等方面均有 不同,但两场暴雨的中尺度对流系统的发展都与地面中尺度辐合线的发展有密切联系。(3 )两场暴雨发生前北京局地对流层低层风场短时间变化特征不同,但低层偏东风和近地面东 南风的出现,对于北京这两场暴雨的产生是比较关键的,预报中应该加以关注。
中文关键词: 暴雨  中尺度对流系统  观测分析
Abstract:Comparison and analysis on two successive torrential rain events occur red in Beijing on 31 July and 1 August of 2006 were conducted using high spatial temporal resolution data, such as auto weather station (AWS) network data, Do ppler radar data, wind profile data, satellite images and NCEP analysis data. It i s revealed that the two successive torrential rain events are affected by the sa me large scale trough at 500hPa from Hetao area of North China, but in their different temporal phases. Although the two torrential rain events have similar large scale environmental conditions, there are still slight differences in dia g nostic results. For instance, the long distance transfer of moisture from south to north and the confrontment of cold air and warm air over Beijing area in the second event become weaker compared to those in the first one. Investigation usi ng AWS and Weather Radar data shows that the two rainstorms are induced by mesos cale convective systems, developments of which are closely related to the evolut ions of mesoscale convergence lines of surface. However, the features, such as the size, shape, track, radar reflectivity and lifetime of mesoscale convective systems between the two torrential rain events, are quite different. The occurre nce and duration of easterly winds in planetary boundary layer (PBL) in Beijing few hours before the start of rainfall events seem essential to the formation of the torrential rainfalls, although vertical and temporal evolutions of easterly winds in PBL for the two events are different.
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基金项目:本文得到科技部奥运科技专项课题《北京奥运短时临近预报实时业务系统研发》(2005BA9 04B05)的支持
Zhao Wei,Wang Jianjie,2008.Comparison and Analysis on Two Successive Torrential Rain Events over Beijing in Summer of 2006 [J].Meteor Mon,34(8):3-14.