(1.国家卫星气象中心, 北京 100081;2.四川省气象局)
A Method of Rainfall Estimation in Sichuan Using FY-2C Geostationary Satellite Data
(1.National Meteorological Satellite Center, Beijing 100081;2. Meteorological Bureau of Sichuan Province;3.Meteorological Bureau of Sichuan Province)
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投稿时间:2007-12-26    修订日期:2008-04-06
中文摘要: 应用2006年6月6日00时(北京时)至7日06时四川地区的自动站降水资料和FY 2C 静止卫星红外亮温资料,共3854对样本,分析发现1小时内的最低红外亮温和红外亮温增量 两因子能很好地表征地面1小时累计降水量,且能有效地进行四川地面1小时降水估算,并由 此建立了估算降水方法。通过对2006年8月27日13—19时,2006年8月28日04—16时两个 时段估算降水结果的初步检验来看,其均方根差都小于2.0mm,随着最低亮温的增加,其均 方根差也越小。由此可见,基于FY 2C静止卫星1小时内最低红外亮温和亮温增量来估算四 川地面1小时降水是可行的,且效果较好。
中文关键词: FY-2C卫星  红外亮温  降水估算
Abstract:A statistical analysis of satellite rainfall estimation is performed using 3854 pairs of FY 2C infrared cloud top temperatures and rai nfalls from automatic meteorological observation station on 06 07 June 2006 from 0000 to 0600 (Beijing Time). It is found that one hour accumulated rainfall amoun t can be estimated for Sichuan in real time based on the lowest infrared cloud top brightness temperature and the change of IR cloud top temperature in one hou r. Using this method, a standard database for satellite rainfall estimation is es tablished. The 1 h rainfall rates on 27 August 2007 from 1300 to 1900 and on 28 August 2007 from 0400 to 1600 (Beijing Time) are achieved in Sichuan based on the database. The RMSE of rainfall estimations at each IR temperature level is less than 2.0mm. The higher the lowest inf rared cloud top temperature, the less the RMSE of the estimated rainfall rate. Th e method is feasible for the rainfall estimation of Sichuan.
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基金项目:四川省气象局《短期、短时强降水落区预报系统》和国家自然科学基 金项目(40775032)。
Wang Huarong,Zhu Xiaoxiang,Xu Huiming,Gu Qingyuan,2008.A Method of Rainfall Estimation in Sichuan Using FY-2C Geostationary Satellite Data[J].Meteor Mon,34(8):29-34.