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(1.北京大学物理学院大气科学系,北京 100871;2.中国气象局)
Development and Prospects of Chinese Meteorological Satellite and application
(1.epartment of Atmospheric Sciences, School of Physics, Peking University, Bei jing 100871;2.China Meteorological Administration)
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投稿时间:2008-06-16    修订日期:2008-08-01
中文摘要: 截止到2008年6月底,我国已成功发射了4颗风云一号极轨气象卫星、1颗风云三号极轨气象 卫星和4颗风云二号静止气象卫星。目前,风云一号D星、风云二号C和D星在轨业务运行,风 云三号A星正在在轨测试中。我国的气象卫星已初步实现了业务化、系列化,率先实现了国 防科工委提出的我国遥感卫星从试验应用型向业务服务型转变的目标。同时,我国也已成为 世界上同时拥有极轨和静止两个系列气象卫星的3个国家或国家集团之一。世界气象组织已 将风云一号系列、风云二号系列和风云三号系列卫星纳入全球业务应用气象卫星序列,使我 国风云卫星成为全球综合地球观测系统的重要成员。我国气象卫星在我国国民经济建设和防 灾减灾中发挥了重要作用,也为区域,乃至全球许多国家的经济发展做出了重要贡献。回顾 了我国气象卫星及地面应用系统的发展历程,简要总结了我国气象卫星应用所取得的重要成 绩,同时对未来我国气象卫星的发展趋势和发展目标等进行了展望。
中文关键词: 气象卫星  应用  发展  展望
Abstract:Until the end of June 2008, China has successfully launched 4 FY 1 polar orbit meteorological satellites, 1 FY 3 polar orbit meteorological satellite and 4 FY 2 geostationary meteorological satellites. Now satellite FY 1D, FY 2C and D are put in operational use, and FY 3A is in its testing period. Chinese Meteoro logical Satellites have primarily realized operation and series, firstly practic ed the goal presented by the Committee of Defense Science & Technology Industry, which is the changing of meteorological satellite from testing [KG*2]type to se rvice type. At the same time, China has become the nation that has both polar and geostationary meteorol ogical satellites series after Russia and US. WMO has put FY 1, FY 2 and FY 3 meteorological satellites into global application meteorological satellite seri es, so chinese meteorological satellites became important number of Global earth observation system. Chinese meteorological satellites played a significant ro le in national defense construction and disaster prevention and mitigation and a lso made significant contribution to economic development of regional and many n ations in the world. The developing course of Chinese Meteorological Satellite a nd ground application system is reviewed. Also the achievement of meteorological satellite application is briefly summarized, and the developing trend and new t arget of Chinese meteorological satellite in the future is prospected. 
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Hong Guan,Zhang Wenjian,2008.Development and Prospects of Chinese Meteorological Satellite and application [J].Meteor Mon,34(9):3-9.