(1.陕西省气象台,西安 710014;2.国家气象中心)
Analysis on Process of an Abrupt Rainstorm in Central and Southern Shaanxi
(1.Shaanxi Meteorological Observatory, Xi’an 710014;2.National Meteorologic al Center)
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投稿时间:2008-02-27    修订日期:2008-05-20
中文摘要: 利用常规观测资料、陕西地面加密观测资料、FY2 2C 卫星TBB资料 ,对2007年8月8—9日陕西中南部突发性大暴雨过程进行了诊断分析。结果表明: 500hPa中尺 度切变线、700hPa低涡是这次暴雨的主要影响系统,MCC是造成此次暴雨的直接原因。暴雨 的发生发展与湿位涡的时空演变有很好的对应关系,湿位涡“正负区叠加”的配置是暴雨发 展的有利形势。暴雨区发生在700hPa湿位涡正压项的零线附近及负值区等值线密集区中,70 0hPa低涡东侧的强辐合区与200hPa西北风高空急流右侧的强辐散区叠置,为暴雨区提供了持 续强劲的上升运动。
中文关键词: 暴雨  高空急流  湿位涡  MCC
Abstract:An analysis on the heavy rain in central and southern Shaanxi fr om 8 to 9 A ugust 2007 is performed with the routine observational data provided by MICAPS, surface data of intensive observation, FY 2C satellite TBB. The results indicat e that the mesoscale shear line on 500hPa and the low vortex on 700hPa are its ma inly influencing systems, and it is directly caused by MCC. The spatial and temp oral variations of moist potential vorticity can give good indication for the de v elopment of heavy rain. Superimposition of the positive and negative moist poten tial vorticity is advantageous to the development of the rainstorm. The heavy ra in is located near the zero line of positive potential vorticity and in tensive belt of negative MPV1 on 700hPa. The strong convergence in the east side of low vortex on 700hPa and strong divergence in the right side of high altitud e jet stream at 200hPa supply strong and continuous ascending movement.
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基金项目:本文由国家自然基金干旱背景下黄河流域致洪暴雨的多尺度天气学模型研究(项目编号:405 05010) 资助
Guo Damei,Xu Xintian,Liu Yong,Zhang Xiaoling,Liu Ruifang,2008.Analysis on Process of an Abrupt Rainstorm in Central and Southern Shaanxi [J].Meteor Mon,34(9):40-46.