(中国气象科学研究院 中国气象局大气成分观测与服务中心 中国气象局大气化学重点开放实验室,北京100081)
Analysis of Spatio temporal Distribution and Seasonality of Acid Rain in Chongqing from 1997 to 2006
(Key Laboratory for Atmospheric Chemistry, Center for Atmosphere Watch and Servi ces, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2007-11-14    修订日期:2008-05-26
中文摘要: 利用2005年重庆各区县31个观测站降水的pH值资料分析了当年整个地区的降水酸度 的空间分布和季节变化特征,并选取中国气象局酸雨观测网中沙坪坝、涪陵、万县、奉节和 巴东5个观测站点1997年至2006年的酸雨观测数据,对重庆地区近10年来酸雨的时空分布特 征和季节变化情况进行了统计分析。研究结果表明:重庆地区降水酸性和电导率的地区间差 异较大,降水酸性的季节变化较明显,冷季(秋、冬)较暖季(春、夏)要强。西南部降水 酸性较强,受污染程度也较严重,但没有明显的变化趋势;东北部大多为弱酸性降水,且受 污染程度也较轻,但是日趋酸化和污染加重的趋势却较明显,且季节变化尤为明显,其中夏 秋两季pH值的明显减小是其近10年来酸化加重的主要原因。涪陵的数据明显不同,酸性降水 频率较低,pH值偏高的同时电导率也偏高,2001年前后情况尤为明显,可能受局地因素的影 响比较大。
中文关键词: 酸雨  pH值  电导率
Abstract:With the data set obtained at 31 meteorological stations in 2005, spat ial distribution and seasonality of precipitation acidity over Chongqing area we re analyzed. Meanwhile, based on the statistics of long term data set of 5 acid rain monitoring stations among the above meteorologi cal stations (Shapingba, Fuling, Wanxian, Fengjie and Badong), the spatio-tempor al distribution and seasonal ity of acid rain in recent 10 years (from 1997 to 2006) were discussed. The resu lts indicate a large discrepancy of acidity and conductivity of precipitation ov er Chongqing area. The seasonality of precipitation acidity is obvious in Chongq ing area as a whole. pH value of precipitation in spring and summer higher than in autumn and winter. The acidity of precipitation in the southwest part of Chon gqing is stronger than other parts, and the conductivity also higher. However, t here was no significant trend in the acidity and conductivity of precipitation d uring last 10 years in the southwest part. The precipitation acidity aggravated and conductivity increased significantly in northeast part of Chongqing in recen t 10 years, although pH value and conductivity data sets showed the precipitatio n in this part less polluted. The seasonality of acidity and conductivity of pre cipitation in the northeast part of Chongqing is more pronounced. The trend of t he precipitation acidity in the northeast part of Chongqing is mainly caused by the decrease of pH value in summer and autumn. The pH value and conductivity of precipitation at Fuling are much higher than the surrounding areas, suggesting t he importance of local influences.
keywords: acid rain  pH value  conductivity
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基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展计划项目 (2005CB422202) 和中国气象局大 气成分观测与服务中心成果转化项目《中国区域酸雨形势分析及评估》共同资助。
Ba Jin,Tang Jie,Wang Shufeng,Xu Xiaobin,2008.Analysis of Spatio temporal Distribution and Seasonality of Acid Rain in Chongqing from 1997 to 2006 [J].Meteor Mon,34(9):81-88.