Retrieval and Preliminary Test of Cloud Physical Parameters from Combination of FY-2C/D Geostationary Satellite Data and Other Observation Data
(1.National Meteorological Centre, Beijing 100081;2.Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology;3. Weather Modification Office of Hubei Province;4.Weather Modification Office of Henan Province;5.Zhejiang Meteorological Observatory;6.Beijing University)
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投稿时间:2008-08-30    修订日期:2008-10-21
中文摘要: 云的宏微观物理特性参数无论对天气、气候还是人工影响天气的研究和业务都有十分重要的 应用价值。基于FY-2C/D静止卫星遥感观测,融合高空和地面等其它观测资料,研发了近10种云 宏微观物理特性参数的反演技术方法,并实现业务化运行。简单介绍反演得到的云顶高度、 云顶温度、云过冷层厚度、云暖层厚度、云底高度、云体厚度、云光学厚度、云粒子有效半 径和云液水路径等近10种云宏微观物理参数产品的物理意义、反演技术方法和业务流程等; 对主要云参数产品,利用最新获得的Cloudsat云卫星实测结果进行了对比检验和可用性分析 ;将反演产品同MODIS反演的同类产品进行对比分析,发现两者具有较好的一致性。
中文关键词: FY-2C/D  联合反演  云参数产品  检验
Abstract:Cloud macro and micro physical characteristic parameters play an important role not only in the field of the analysis and forecast of the weather and climate, but also in the field of weather modification to identify the seeding c ondition. Based on the data from FY-2C/D stationary satellite and SBDART radiati on transfer model, associated with the sounding data and surface information, a method retrieving cloud macro and micro physical parameters is established in th is research. These parameters include cloud top height, cloud top temperature, d epth of super-cooled layer, depth of warm layer, cloud bottom height, depth of c loud, cloud optical thickness, cloud effective particle radius and cloud liquid water content. It has been run operationally. In this paper, the correlated info rmation such as physical meaning, retrieving method and technology, retrieving p rocess and data format are simply introduced. Furthermore, comparing with the ob servation of Cloudsat up to the minute, the retrieving results of main cloud par ameters are proved to be reasonable and usable. By contrast with same kind produ cts of MODIS, it also shows good corresponding relationship.
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Zhou Yuquan,Chen Yingying,Li Juan,Huang Yimei,He Xiaodong,Zhou Feifei,Wu Menxin,Hu Bo,Mao Jietai,2008.Retrieval and Preliminary Test of Cloud Physical Parameters from Combination of FY-2C/D Geostationary Satellite Data and Other Observation Data[J].Meteor Mon,34(12):27-35.